December 2014
December 2014Vol. 24
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Enjoy a preview of the December 2014 issue! Subscribe to read in full!
Master Djwhal Khul through Kathlyn Kingdon
The Council of Seven through Karen K. Russell
Archangel Michael through Therese Dorer
The Wisdom Guardians through Lightstar
The guardians through Saga-Oracle
Master Hilarion through Linda Edge
One Voice of the Animal Kingdom through Carol Long
Grandfather and Zarcan through Robert Shapiro
Mary Magdalena through Virginia Ellen
The Founders and the Ancients through Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
The Angels Known as One through Terra Sonora
The Spirit of Space and Gabriel et al. through Arthur Fanning
Onereon through Jeff Michaels
Archangel Michael through Gail Swanson
Blessed Mother Mary and the Ascended Masters through Carol Sydney
The Brotherhood of Light through Edna Frankel
Juliano, the Arcturians, and Chief White Eagle through David K. Miller
Master Guides through Sharon Taphorn
Mary through Norma Gentile
The Masters of Light through Claire Montanaro
Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn
Sage Council through Cheryl Rose
Spiritus Sanctus through Pam Murray
The Pleiadians through Heather Wallace
Archangel Metatron through Jill Harrison
Archangel Michael through Carolyn Ann O'Riley
The New Ascended Masters through Maurene Watson
The Arcturians through Abby Isadora Haydon
Altura through Laura Pieratt
Dwahl Khul through Catherine Weser
Archangel Michael through Ronna
God through Yael Hana Powell
Naylin Lagé through Maria Yracébûrû
Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters through Star Hinman
Raphael and Gabriel through Kimberly Powers
The Divine Feminine through Wendy Zellea
All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be through Elliott Eli Jackson
God through Liane Rich
Joshua through Zintis Muiznieks
Gaia through Cristi Jenkins
The Ancient Ones through Miriandra Rota
Papa Juan through Beatriz Jimpson
The group through Steve Rother
The Blue Starborn through Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa
Sasha through Lyssa Royal Holt
The Center of A through Debbie Anderson
Jesus, Mary Magdalene, the Pegasians through Ray Dawn
The Pleiadian Light through Hannah Beaconsfield
The Galactic Council through Kenton David Bell
The Peacemakers through Greg Branson
Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde through Blue Turtle
The Angels of Light through Thelma Bodnar
The Lullites through Vera Nadine Boinn
Isis of Egypt through Beverley Bright Star
Kryon through Lee Carroll
Mahaavatar Babaji through Rae Chandran
Jeshua through Lea Chapin
Amma the Divine Mother through Cathy Chapman
Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus) through Judith Coates
Mary, Queen of the Angels through Mariana M. Cooper
The Cosmic Council of Light through Pat Crosby
The Tree People through Joshua Davis
Marty Dixon
Egyptian Cat Archetypes through Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Michelle Karén
Rhonda Smith
Donna Taylor
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