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Pick Up the Pace

Pick Up the Pace The group through Steve Rother

Greetings from Home. We are pleased to bring you a view from the top for the coming year 2015. We have watched in excitement as you stepped into a new dimension, yet much of what you have been waiting for is still ahead.

The year 2015 will be one that could be labeled a year of changing pace, or what we call rhythm. Each and every human will have to take a step up in rhythm as the collective heart begins to raise vibratory status. First, Earth made the transition into a new level of density, and now humans can begin to move consciously into a new level of existence. The pace is quickening. This means learning to stretch out into the world with a new interface.

Some will be overwhelmed by the quickening pace and try to catch up with every detail. Others will learn the ways using harmonics. Learning to use harmonics and the new interfaces will be the main focus of humanity at this time. As a result, new modalities in healing and learning will surface during 2015 through 2018. People who brought in these modalities will emerge as teachers, yet very few of them even knew they had modalities inside them that would end up helping humanity evolve.
