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Seek Ye First: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know Is Within You

Seek Ye First: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know Is Within You Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus) through Judith Coates

Beloved one, I know that sometimes when you look out around you, you see unrest in the world. Many of the actions of the brothers and sisters may seem unloving, arising from the belief in separation, a belief in the need for power and a need to defend self and ancient beliefs. Sometimes the voice of the world intrudes, and a bit of doubt and fear arises. However, as I have said unto you in your holy writing, "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world" [John 16:33, KJB].

One of the human conditions that you have built into this reality is impatience. It is sometimes a bit of a struggle to wait, yet there is a knowing — or a hope — that everything does serve the atonement, the at-one-ment, the realization that "I am one with my Creator. I am one with the Christ. I am one with everything I behold and more." Always, as you will abide in peace and trust, you will find that everything that you draw to your consciousness does bless you.

Now, ones have been asking, "Are there going to be great Earth changes?" It depends where you are standing. In some places on holy Mother Earth, yes, there are going to be dramatic changes. Other places will not see much change. But your news media will make sure that you know about everything that is going on. And usually, as you have noticed, they will pick the most dramatic and the most challenging to bring to your attention. There is a process of change in climate patterns, and you will see some results of those variances.
