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Take Advantage of Opportunities

Donna Taylor

August begins with Mercury grinding to a halt and then turning on its heels in the sign of Virgo. As it does, it meets with Venus, the planet of love and beauty, whose energies will come to the fore.

Changes and Challenges Are Ahead

Cal Garrison

Somewhere between July 18 and July 24, the waters of life that poured out of the ether while the Sun passed through Cancer washed up on the shores of Leo.

Take Care of Yourself

Susan Owens

If you are in a 1 personal year, August is a 9 month. This is a time of release and completion. What no longer serves you is coming to an end this month. You’ve had seven months of living with the 1 energy and manifesting what you want for the next nine years.

The Rhythm of Life Accelerates

Michelle Karén

Pluto remains retrograde this whole month until October 11. Its shadow period lasts until February 2, 2025.

Shift into Balanced Reciprocity with the Cosmos

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

The energies for August 2024 are focused on clear, concise, honest communication and expression with self and others as a way to restructure life and the world personally and professionally.

Be the Cross of Perfect Balance

Kira Raa

The eternal spiral begins again. You might feel dizzy at first, gazing at the August ascended-numerology wheel. This chart represents yet another first in this extraordinary cycle of human experience. The spiraling energy field of creation weaves and dances through this field of potentiality.

Constructive New Beginnings

Donna Taylor

With a new moon in Cancer forming a helpful alliance with sensible Saturn, the theme for early July is constructive new beginnings and long-lasting progress.

The Wisdom of the Tarot

Cal Garrison

July brings us to a pivotal point in the annual timeline. During this month, the collective unconscious ingests volumes of information and experiences that turn the dog days of summer into an initiation of sorts.

Tap into Your Instincts

Michelle Karén

Pluto remains retrograde this whole month until October 11. Its shadow period lasts until February 2, 2025.

Discover a Sense of Home

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

July’s energies are influenced by the first consecutive full moon in early Capricorn near the June solstice that continues to the second consecutive full moon on July 21 in very late Capricorn.


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