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Say Yes to Abundant Possibilities

Archangel Raphael
Trisha Michael

The vibrancy of love and the continuation of saying yes are embraced more fully in the year 2016. Predictions are possibilities that glisten and glitter before you and allow your soul to say yes to the sparkle that brings you the greatest joy to be fully in the life of now.

Earth’s Rebalancing Is Assured

Masters of Light
Claire Montanaro

It is a pleasure as always to be with you, our children of the light.

Move toward Mastery of Creation

Creation's Love
Laura Pieratt

It is time. It is time for renewal. It is time for a new focus. It is time for new beginnings. There is no longer a need to fear the past or outcomes set in motion in the before times that predicted disaster for humanity. You are free of such encumbrances now.

Ascension Practice of Sacred Heart Yoga

Virginia Ellen

Surrender anything that you are aware of that keeps you stuck, confused, upset, or limited in any way. “I come home now to myself, to the love that I am, and I surrender. I surrender my self-judgment.” Aum.

How to Cultivate Spiritual Simplicity

Victor M. Parachin

The death of his wife from cancer at the young age of thirty-seven had a profound, life-changing impact on Ron. A driven corporate executive, Ron decided he wanted to establish other priorities in his life and live more simply.

The Just Society and New Jerusalem

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Let us look at the concept of the just city of light, the just society, and let us talk about how the just city can manifest on Earth. The idea of the just city of light reminds me of planetary ascension.

Origins and Belonging

St. Germain
Rebecca Dawson

Greetings to you. We want to address your totality. It has been interesting to watch you humans in recent years come to know your totality within the human experience. Your DNA contains a limitation in its coding that has prevented you from experiencing the totality of what you are.

Seek Connection for the Coming Changes

Lois Hartwick

It is with enormous light and gratitude that I come through to express some thoughts and ideas. There is a big change energetically that has been occurring on your planet for some time. It is as if I can see waves of energy coming forth and altering the spectrum of how you have been living.

Heal with Your Solar Christ Presence

Mighty Arcturus and Lady Diana Elohim
Star Hinman

Star: For humanity, the patterns of our divine perfection, which contain the blueprint reflecting perfect health, peace, abundance, enlightenment, joy, and love, are recorded and stored within our solar Christ presence.

Hold Your Own Space

The Supreme Creator Goddess

How do you hold a space of love and light during turbulent times? By knowing who you are and by honoring that great being with acknowledgment and love. Love of self, no matter what place and time you find yourself in, is the way.


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