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Awareness Brings a Great Healing Force

Cecil the Lion from Zimbabwe
Rae Chandran

Well, my dear ones, this is Cecil. There has been much news about me recently. My passing has brought world attention to the animal kingdom and the country where I resided with my pack. Well, this is good.

Claim Your Sacred Divine Power

Jeanne d'Arc
Star Hinman

I, Jeanne, come to you all now to strengthen and encourage you for the task at hand, which is bringing forth the archetype for the New Age on Earth.

Determine Your Life Purpose

Mary Magdalene
Mercedes Kirkel

How does one determine his or her life purpose?

Replenishing Your Soul Essence

Archangel Raphael
Trisha Michael

Through the grace of togetherness, we share the extension of our dreams. In dreaming, all is possible, and in these possibilities, we get to anchor them in grace, in a structure, and in a place that is divinely ours.

Freedom's Embrace

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

Heart masters, freedom can only elevate love. On this freedom day, are you a true heart sovereign, or do you give in to the imposters of freedom? Does your soul still need validation to justify its existence?

Be True to Your Divine Nature

Mother of Light and Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde
Blue Turtle

Beloved children of light, you draw me closer as you seek the deepest parts of you required to live the sacred life. I move within your life-breath because you have come from me. I earnestly desire for you to fulfill your deepest dreams so that you can flourish and soar.

Ancient Egypt Still Remains

Isis of Thebes and Karnak
Beverley Bright Star

Hello, my dear ones. This is Isis of Thebes and Karnak. What I wish to talk to you about today concerns the workings of the inner Isis temples of Egypt. If you will bear with me today, we will go over some things that I would like you to know about those early days of the ancient world.

The Importance of Being Open

Archangel Metatron
Jill Harrison

I feel so stupid as I write this. But for those of you interested enough to read, here it goes. I deleted the first part of my meditation with Archangel Metatron. I felt disconnected and for some reason uninterested.

Undercover UFO Encounter

Tom Dongo

I have now been in the UFO research business for almost thirty years. I have probably written over a million words on the subject to date, and one thing I have learned is that extraterrestrials (or aliens) love to play games or tricks on us humans.

The Christ Consciousness Crystalline Portal of Light

Terra Rae

Early on, while getting to know the Stellar Skulls, Crysta and I discovered that many have names from other universes. These are the original universes from before our space-time universe.


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