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The Astrology Paradigm as a Theory of Intelligence

Sensei Erwin Rimban

The astrology natal chart is a very powerful way of understanding the nature and dynamics of multiple intelligences. Let us see how it very comprehensively explains the various intelligence models currently being presented by science, education, and psychology disciplines.

Revelations and Awakenings Abound

Lynn Buess

I have shared my predictions for 2018, and you will note that there are some issues of major importance that are repeated from previous months and years. That is because they will come to the forefront of public matters if the public chooses to wake up.

Make a Plan to Realize Your Dream

Donna Taylor

Yesterday I revisited an old favorite book, Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach, and landed on a story about a highly successful newspaper columnist who, after years of working her way to the top, decided what she really wanted to do was concentrate on writing novels and being there for her

The I Ching’s Message for Better Leadership

Nori Muster

Those of us who care about planet Earth and the future of humanity know we need better leadership. The ancient Daoist oracle, the I Ching, offers guidance for coping with change, and this wisdom is still relevant today, after 3,000 years.

Find Your Voice

Michelle Karén

There is a solar eclipse in Aquarius (27º03’) on Thursday, February 15 at 1:05PM. This degree is represented in the Sabian symbols by “a tree is felled and sawed to ensure a supply of wood for the winter.” If left alone, trees live long, rich lives. Trees witness hundreds of years of history.

New Earth’s Love Song

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

Energies for February 2018 bring in tremendous vibrational electromagnetic shifts for all Earth and its inhabitants. The nervous system, spinal fluid, and brain will be strongly affected by the minute-to-minute fluctuation patterns in tone and vibration.

The Redistribution of Power

Lynn Buess

An ongoing conflict between forces of darkness and light peaks around this time, revealing more clearly to a sleeping public just what is going on around them.

Bending with the Solar Wind

Donna Taylor

February brings to mind that often-quoted saying, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” With the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the south node, and a solar eclipse all in Aquarius, change of some sort is inevitable. But what kind of change will it be?

Emotional Healing Energies Are Available

Egyptian Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

Peak emotional transformation experiences are possible throughout March 2018. Whether these will be joyous, smooth, and easy or traumatic, dramatic, and explosive is your choice.

Harsh Truths Are Uncovered

Lynn Buess

This will be a time of potential breakthrough for all humanity. This is especially true if people release some of the hidden technologies of human healing, genetic engineering, and the space program’s findings.


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