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New Ideas Renew Your Beliefs

New Ideas Renew Your Beliefs Michelle Karén

Mercury turns retrograde on April 9 until May 3 (4°47’ Taurus–24°17’ Aries). Its shadow period remains until May 21. Our values about money, abundance, and comfort could shift dramatically during this period. We might develop a new relationship with our physical bodies and wish to spend more time gardening and taking care of Mother Earth. We are likely to discover new ways of being practical and find within us reservoirs of resourcefulness that we never suspected. We could reconnect with projects we abandoned and be dynamically involved in an entire renovation of our lives through a change of priorities. New ideas lead to a complete renewal of our belief systems.

Venus remains retrograde until April 15. Its shadow period continues until May 18. This is a good time to reevaluate all our relationships. People reveal their true colors now. We could have to reexamine the way we express love and affection, who we are attracted to and why, and the general health of a romantic relationship. People from our past might reemerge, giving us a chance to complete relationships that perhaps did not end well or to clear misunderstandings.

Jupiter remains retrograde this whole month until June 9. Its shadow period lasts until September 6. The degrees (19°08’–15°34’ Libra) traveled this month are represented in the Sabian symbols by “a Jewish rabbi performing his duties,” “a gang of robbers in hiding,” “two men placed under arrest,” “a retired sea captain watches ships entering and leaving the harbor,” and “after a storm, a boat landing stands in need of reconstruction.” Our faith, values, and integrity are being tested now. If we have given in to greed or dishonesty, have been scattered, or created unrealistic goals, our paths could become heavy with losses and disappointments. But if we have stood close to our principles with honesty and generosity, great rewards come with this transit. Our dreams will come true. We can experience happiness, receive wonderful gifts, and welcome a flow of abundance.
