This is the last month of a three-month (September, October, and November) cycle of ominous potential that can be destructive and explosive, resulting in a massive expansion of human awareness. The energy of this time suggests there will likely be another world-changing event.
We live in a time when it’s all too easy to overextend ourselves. Some of us overextend emotionally by giving too much, and others overextend financially by taking on too much debt. Some people overextend their physical energy, perhaps by exercising too hard or not getting enough sleep.
This moment is bursting with the potential to release new inventions, innovations, streams of consciousness, and higher-dimensional archetypes that are being activated by the heightened systemic, galactic, and cosmic forces stimulating the planet at this time.
Passions and emotions run high throughout August 2018 with water and air trines adding to the mix, generating the desire that head and heart become whole and harmonious. Mind and emotions will require clarification.
Empathic sensations are heightened throughout July. Emotional energy bodies are more easily influenced by thoughts, words, and actions, be they projections from others, outdated responses from eons of programming, or results of ingesting sugars, particularly refined.
It appears July will to be an interesting month largely because we have two rather dramatic eclipses and a stack of retrograding planets. Therefore, do not expect things to go according to plan. In fact, not having a plan at all could be the best course.
Long-forgotten experiences, knowledge, wisdom, truth, and deep-seated fears will surface from the depths of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realms within the psyches of all members of all kingdoms.