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The Emergence of the New Earth

The Elohim of Peace
Judith K. Moore

Channel's Note: We are living in such incredible times; I believe them to be the times of absolute miracles. I do not limit our future to rational projections. I see beyond the hardship of our times to the power that emerges.

Merging into Self-Mastery

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings, beloved. I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome this gathering. It is year two of the newly ascended planet Earth. In this extraordinary phase of linear time on your planet, there is a unique opportunity for self-review and chosen solitude.

Cleanse Your Energy Field to Reveal Your True Self

Amariah Mara

You are all too familiar with the distractions that get you down every day and keep you from expressing the greatness that you are. Imagine if you could dissolve these distractions and be free to express the best of all that you have worked for in your lifetime.

Evolution and Biorelativity

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings. I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Today we will look at the concept of evolution and how it applies to a planet, to a person, and to the universe. I want to look at several important concepts in evolution because Earth, at this point, is in an evolutionary crisis.

Update on the 'Late' Great Planet Earth

The group
Steve Rother

Greetings from Home. You have been watched and seen. Your own path is starting to change in new ways, and it is becoming very beautiful on Earth, although we know that is not your perception. We can see very clearly that there is so much turmoil.

Five Minutes to a Spiritual Path of Greatness

Beverley Bright Star

Hello, my dear ones. This is Isis of Thebes and Karnak. What I want to speak about today is indeed very important to the well-being of our souls, and by that, I mean that your soul will feel strengthened by this.

The Importance of Water, the Moon, Birthdays, Words, Gratitude, and Appreciation of Self

Spirit of Space and Gabriel et al.
Arthur Fanning

By the time you're reading this, you'll have already gone through the emotionally disturbing process within the navel chakra and the solar plexus chakra. You're going to have already gone through that process.

You Have Yourself to Give

David Reid Lowell

The soul only knows love, oneness. It is the human mind, the brain within this body, that translates everything through our experiences in order to make sense of them. The soul is always free from that.

Become Your Full Presence

Angels of the Energy Fields
Ray Dawn

Hello, we are the Angels of the Energy Fields, and we are here to discuss how your energy fields are going through rapid change for your birthing into All That You Are.

Angels of Mercy

Archangel Michael

As you are ready to integrate it, we are gradually refining and expanding your cosmic knowledge. The more refined frequencies you integrate, the stronger your desire will become to share the powerful, loving energy you feel pulsating from within your sacred heart center.


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