Over the past seven years, we have channeled information to you that focuses on the subject of spiritual expansion. The information we have provided — both within the pages of the Sedona Journal and in other venues — composes our complete statement on this very important topic.
Channel's Note: In 2008 Kira Raa was given the image of a crop circle that would only appear if humanity arrived at a critical moment. She was asked to keep it in a sealed envelope only to be opened if it came forward.
Beloved ones, I would like to continue to speak with you now about what we have been sharing recently, the questions that are basic to your reality. Oftentimes, you ask questions, such as, "Who am I? I awaken in the morning, and I seem to remember the person I was the day before.
As above, so below. As a spirit group, we are often looked to for guidance regarding the future. Many humans seek answers and assurances that they are personally on a correct path or that Earth will one day experience peace. We return these questions to you.
It has become evident and acknowledged by an increasing number of lightworkers that the new era has arrived, is real, and is the home of all those who dreamed of it and worked to help create it.
Greetings, my beautiful beings of light! Do you feel the energy pushing you up? From this point forward, you will continue to spiral upward at warp speed.
Greetings. What magnetic forces are at play today, bringing each individual into a new awareness of how they participate in the remembrance of love that is eternal! I ask each one of you to bring forth a new vibration and extend it, allowing the ripples of your majestic beauty to unfold.
This is a time of waking up and beginning to see the truth. The truth is that you are all creators and cocreators with God, and you do not realize yet that you are. You are totally unaware of your creative nature, and you are on the precipice of discovery.
Greetings, masters! I am Metatron, lord of light. We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and a field of self-empowerment, for each of you are truly masters on your individual paths of ascension.