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You Are the Miracle for 2014

Higher Self
Carolyn Gervais

People wonder if the conditions on Earth will ever be healthy. The physical conditions in the world give the appearance that living life as a human is at a point of devastation and causing too much of humanity to viciously fight for what it believes will bring world salvation.

Free Yourself from Mental and Emotional Limitations

Papa Juan
Beatriz Jimpson

Our dear children, welcome to this age of the Divine Feminine! We are here to help you understand what is happening now and explain what will continue to occur in the coming months and years (in your timing). I am/we are Papa Juan, a group consciousness who has been with you for millennia.

It Will Be as You Believe It Can Be

Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Beloved ones, I want to speak about a very interesting and powerful change in energy that is happening now and will continue for some time.

The Year of Amplification

Amariah Mara

We are Simion, the evolutionary collective. The frequencies of Earth are changing, and finer energy patterns are moving through your world now, thanks to all the work of those bringing expanded awareness to the planet. This year will be marked by energy amplifications.

Looking Ahead: a Time of Unexpected Solutions


We have weathered the dire predictions many gave for 2012. We have seen many changes and at times experienced losses during 2013. It will be easier to understand what is to come in the year ahead if we can grasp the ramifications of what has been.

Prayer and Thankfulness Are Needed Now

Archangel Gabriel
Arthur Fanning

You are in positions of consciousness individually as a self.

Open Every Sense to Fully Knowing, Feeling, and Trusting Love

The White Brotherhood
Alicja Bialasiewicz

Although there are many choices and pathways in front of you, our guidance is that for now you sit in quiet solitude and stillness and allow the universal healing energies to bring forth to you that which you desire.

The Return of the Goddess Realm

Judy Carder

I am Sophia, and I have returned to speak to humanity, for humanity has seen and felt the absence of the Goddess realm long enough. It is time for our return. Many who have awareness have felt the Cosmic Mother come back to her place.

Conflict Serves Duality

Archangel Raphael
Trisha Michael

You are all divinely beautiful. Your kaleidoscope of colors reflects the glorious purposes of your truth as you come together today to find an awareness of expression that will ease your conditioning of pain into champagne bubbles of love.

The Human Body and the Ladder of Ascension

The Pleiadian Light
Hannah Beaconsfield

There are so many first ascenders among you — those at the head of the ascension pack who have integrated a scale-tipping level of transformational energy into their energy bodies. Essentially, they have ascended. Their energy bodies are holding all the aspects of transformation.


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