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Soul Communication, Part Two

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

Presence as the Gateway

Wisdom Teacher
Sri Ram Kaa

Divine beings of great light, great love, and great presence, there is great presence that has abundantly come forward for you through the great manifest realms of all divine, illuminated presence. We come forward first today with the simple message of presence. Presence. Presence. Presence.

New Rays of Individualized Expression

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, we will continue our review and expansion on some of the most important techniques and information we have given you over the past twenty-two years.

The Quest for Enlightenment


I have chosen the topic of enlightenment for our interview, so perhaps the best place to start is to ask you: What is enlightenment, and why is it such a driving force in our lives?

Your Life Purpose

Archangel Raphael
Trisha Michael

Greetings, precious ones. We celebrate you always, for you bring passion to all that you do, holding vividness as you sculpt your life in your daily rhythms of being. You are mighty, you are loved, and you are all in one.

Focus on Your Transformations

Dwhal Khul
Catherine Weser

Many of you are attempting to notice the difference between who you are right now and who you used to be. You are focusing on noticing changes in your perception of your reality, your perception of yourself, your perception of everyone around you.

Reclaiming Your Power

Virginia Ellen

From Virginia: Our power is gained when we speak the truth. Our words are more powerful than we realize. To really be free and reclaim our power, we are called to speak the truth. This can be very challenging at times.

Simply Be in Appreciation

Cathy Chapman

My dear ones, I am Amma, the Divine Mother of the divine mothers, and I am your mother. If you go by time, which is your creation, you began as a spark within my womb eons ago.

The Power of Consciousness: Broadcasting a New Frequency

Lady Portia and The Ascended Masters
Star Hinman

From Star: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Appreciate the Sacred Space within You

Spirit of Space plus Gabriel, et al.
Arthur Fanning

We're here.

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