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Entropy versus Coherence

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Today we are going to look at coherence from its opposite angle, which is entropy. Entropy is a classical energy of chaos and disorder, and it is described as an energy of confusion and disintegration.

Your Path Is Becoming Clearer

Jeff Michaels

As above, so below. We often give vision and perception regarding matters that are cosmic or higher in purpose.

The Importance of Imagination in Alchemy

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

From the spiritual plane to the Earth plane, I come bringing joyous greetings and infinite blessings of grace and wonder. What a few months you have come through on Earth!

No Place to Hide

Dwahl Khul
Catherine Weser

Without realizing it, you may be trying to hide in a world that does not exist. Just believing in a world of nothing but bliss does not make that world exist. In fact, it makes the experience of bliss less likely rather than more likely.

Feel the Potency of the Letters of Your Birth Name

Aleph, the Spirit of Space, and Gabriel
Arthur Fanning

The major point we are trying to get into (or out of), recognize, feel, is that no one has to die yet ナ yet.

Dance in the Moonlight

Mother of Light and Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde
Blue Turtle

My beloved children of light, I envision you creating marvelous things in the world as you grow in relationship with Spirit at this special time of the year.

Laying the Foundation of Alchemy in the Aquarian Age

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

Greetings, beloved students, and welcome to September, the month of the autumnal equinox. As you know, the months wherein the equinoxes fall are excellent times to focus on generating greater balance and equanimity in your life and relationships.

The Threshold

Gilly Wilmot

We wait on the threshold to enter or to remain on the threshold. This is a place where many find themselves: waiting on the threshold. They cannot go back, and they fear going forward. Such is the plight of many on Earth at this present time.

Challenge Your Mindset

Papa Juan
Beatriz Jimpson

This is Papa Juan, and we are present with you through all your life and death cycles, through your joys and trials, through your wars and times of peace, and through your travels and expansions. You are a loved and cherished species.

The Seven Pillars of Heaven Guidance for an Illuminated Life, Part 2


This is the second part of a lyrical explanation of the body of information known as "The Seven Pillars of Heaven." See Part 1 in the September edition of the Sedona Journal of Emergence!

Emptiness and Fullness

Then asked a monk who for emptiness strives:


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