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Strengthen Your Heart to Fight the Darkness

Cathy Chapman

What a wonderful day this is, dear ones! You are here on this amazing planet experiencing being the love that you are.

I am Amma, the Divine Mother of the divine mothers, and I am your mother. The spark of you began in my womb, you grew in my womb, and I enfold you there even today.

Pictures of Emotion

Dwahl Khul
Catherine Weser

We wish to explain that when you experience an emotion — for example, when you get angry — there's just energy moving that identifies as anger through some definition or picture that helps you to remember that feeling.

Grow Your Food to Purify Your Body

Virginia Ellen

When the cells release fear, anger, and self-hate, they will realign to the knowingness that they are loved, blessed, and safe — that they are divinely guided in their expression in the form of physical matter. They will feel beauty and express perfectly these gifts of cell self.

Forged in the Fire: Times of Challenge, Times of Change

Lady Portia and The Ascended Masters
Star Hinman

The beauty and strength that is within each of you is being tempered and forged anew by the flames of challenge and change, which — even now — enfold and engulf your planet! Earth herself is being forged anew by the great changes that are occurring deep within her core.

Find the Golden Key

Keeper of Time
Steve Rother

Greetings, dear ones. I am the Keeper of Time. I have moved forward into what you call the group, because today I will speak of where you are at this junction of time and space, which is so beautiful. You have been here before to experience very similar energies.

Make Your Own Choices

Rainbow Walker
Matthew Douglas

We have looked around this world from afar, obviously, but we also look with your perspective so that we can experience through you. However, we can't choose to listen for you, we can't choose to feel for you, and we can't choose to use your power.

The Gift of the Sedona Lemurian Landscape Temple

Thoth and ShaMaya
Jaap van Etten

We all receive, process, and share information in our own unique ways. We also are all connected with beings who help and support in that process.

Unified Consciousness and the Noosphere

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings. I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Today we will be looking at unified consciousness and the noosphere. In particular, we want to evaluate and explain how a planetary unified consciousness can affect Earth and influence the healing and rebalancing of the planet.

Manifesting Compassionate Wisdom

Archangel Zadkiel
Sri Ram Kaa

Beloved ones, with a great and glorious hello, we welcome you and offer to you the divine blessing of all that is and all that has ever been.

Soul Journeying, Part 2

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There used to be a time when my partner had to adjust within the first few moments of a channeling.


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