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Creating a Spiritual Life

Jeff Michaels

As above, so below. Are you seeking to increase your inner balance in a troubling society? Are you looking ahead in your life to gain a higher level of existence? Do you wish to manifest a keener sense of spiritual energy in your life?

Think Peace, Pray Peace, and Be Peaceful

The Brotherhood of Light
Edna Frankel

Greetings, dear ones, from the Brotherhood of Light. We are so delighted to be sharing our energies with you once again in written form. Since all of life is really just vibrational fields, the form matters not!

The Cleansing of Your DNA Brings Out the Callings of Your Ancestors

The Arcturians
Abby Isadora Haydon

We are the Arcturians, transmitting to you more information about the cleansing of your blueprint of manifestation: your DNA. We have been assigned this matter and wish to relate more information about how you will benefit from much of the work that is being done on many humans on Earth.

Love and Acknowledge Your Self

The Natural Aspect of Shiva
Arthur Fanning

Human experience now is in that space around you; your physical bodies are going to speak through your bodies. The space is packed with entities that you're not aware of yet. And if you proceed respectfully, the integration will be smooth.

Depression and Anxiety: Losing Your Connection to the Soul

Archangel Raphael
Jill Harrison

Blessings! Today I wish to help you look to treating and curing anxiety and depression. For too long, it has been considered that adding chemicals to alter the human brain's chemistry is a way to treat anxiety and depression.

Reclaiming Lost Feminine Energy and Embracing the Divine Masculine

Wendy Zellea

After eons of living in a system based on male superiority, the time has come when many lightworkers are beginning to embrace the Divine Feminine in an effort to help return humanity to a balanced existence here on Earth.

What Are You Giving the World?

Riz Mirza

We are Elijah. There are those on the planet who you have come to understand are not with you and do not see the same things as you. They do not share your perspectives. They do not understand where you stand, what you see, or what you believe, nor do they care to understand any of this.

No One Is the Alien

Mother of Light
Blue Turtle

My beloved children of light, I continue to hold you close to me in divine protection and care as the universe and Mother Earth move through monumental changes.

The Metatronic Perspective on the Yeti and Sasquatch

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

“… with the continued disregard of those who were keeping the pure race and the pure peoples … man brought in destructive forces to be used by people that were rulers.”

Focus Brings Enlightenment

Abby Isadora Haydon

We are the group called Waymas. We have spoken to you before. We come again to speak of your mind and the experiences that are within your grasp. This time we would like to share the idea that you are able to use your mind in many ways.


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