I am Jeshua Ben Joseph, as I was known then. I was the first child for Mary and Joseph. It was a time of a great shift — not unlike the one you find yourselves in at this time.
Earth is accelerating. The velocity of the electromagnetic grid of the planet is intensifying, sending charges of negative and positive ions in high-velocity patterns through the electromagnetic grid of the planet.
All of humanity needs to become more aware than ever of what they believe about themselves, life, and the world they are helping to create in every moment of every day. How do you do that? You begin by looking inward at every belief and perception you have about each aspect of your life.
Remember, my brave ones, you are living in the midst of eternity. The messages of cosmic wisdom we bring you are not to set more rules or create new dogma. Our intention is to set your hearts afire with love and to give you a glimpse of the glorious future before you.
Beloved children of light, it fills me with great joy to see you helping one another and easing the burdens that you all are carrying in the world to bring about enormous positive change.
Beloved ones, for a long time, you have wondered where your power was. You have wondered, "Where is my power as an individual? What can I do?" I have heard many say, "I am but one person. How can I bring about change in the world?
Greetings, masters! I am Metatron, lord of light, and I greet each of you in a vector of unconditional love. Many salient shifts are quickening as you enter the midway mark of 2013, year one of the New Earth. Indeed, you are entering a rebirthing, a renaissance!
We are gathered together in the name of love, in the name of God, and in the name of truth. We are the Divine Feminine force of life, the creative force of All That Is, and we are indeed healing the world.
Channel's Note: It is through my opening up to the universe that Source comes through me and gives this important information; much of it I am personally working on understanding myself.