When Atlantis sank — approximately 200,000 years ago, 75,000 years ago, and 12,000 years ago — the masculine psyche of all life on Earth was damaged. Although poisonous gasses had killed most on the surface 800,000 years ago, the terror was less and the psychological scarring likewise.
This is a Holy Spirit connection. It is giving everyone the opportunity to go beyond just the sacred into the holy, holy things that you have heard of. That becomes a dignity of self, respect for one's own divinity — not with a warlike attitude, but with the knowledge of power.
I was called to be on the Pacific Coast for the past two weeks, and I became very clear about a new experience I have been having. This experience sparked this transmission from the Star Elders.
Well now, here we are once again to have a little chat together. This is your friend Merlin, and I come forth to speak with you about your daily living. Oh, I'm not going to right the wrongs or give you a list of things to do.
Children of our Creator, take notice of the fresh, succulent fragrances of the emerging plants and flowers growing abundantly in the valleys and on the mountainsides. The wind carries these lush natural perfumes to awaken all your senses for revelry and celebration.
Greetings! We are Seven Teachers who come forth to speak with those beings who reside on Earth and are choosing to expand in consciousness in such a way that they will live in a manner that will hold those energies within which resides the awakening of all of humanity.