Whenever there is an exchange — whenever there is an attempt to get love — oftentimes the love that is returned feels compromised, because indeed you are compromising yourself trying to get what you want, and whatever comes simply has to come back through that same lens, that same aperture, of co
The message that you are about to receive is information intended to underscore the transmissions of light and love that we have been sending around the planet for some time.
Greetings, beloveds, I am Gaia. I am many and I am One. I am the breath of the waters, yet I am the heart of the embers. Indeed I am many things that seem to contradict your understanding of what can go together in your world and what cannot.
A wonderful thing happened in 2013, but hold on just for a moment. Let’s step back to 2012, the year when much of the world was waiting for an era to end. Those who believed that nothing much was going to occur in December 2012 were right.
The time during early September 2013 is about utilizing the powers of word, expression, communication, and creativity in order to break away from old limiting forms and structures by assisting you in clarifying your perfected vision from your soul heart.
A powerful force has opened to the consciousness of the omnisource, the omnimind of the emissaries of light on the planet. This force has a resonance that is a pure harmonic resonance. You are called lightworkers, but you are truly emissaries of light, emissaries of the Great Oneness.
As above, so below. You exist at a turning point for humanity. More than that, you are the catalyst for a sweeping change in the vibration of planet Earth. The family human is an important factor, a vital element in the balancing of energy in the universe.
Blessings, dear ones. This is Archangel Michael. I wish to give you somewhat of an update of how I perceive things are going for you in your world now. You might think of it as a news flash or a weather report from my station in the higher dimensions.
Greetings from Home, dear ones. I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service. You can choose to be on top of the world, if you want to be. You can decide how you want to view life because that new vision is important.