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The Cleansing of Your DNA Brings Out the Callings of Your Ancestors

The Cleansing of Your DNA Brings Out the Callings of Your Ancestors The Arcturians through Abby Isadora Haydon

We are the Arcturians, transmitting to you more information about the cleansing of your blueprint of manifestation: your DNA. We have been assigned this matter and wish to relate more information about how you will benefit from much of the work that is being done on many humans on Earth.

The Psyche of Humanity Is Calling Out for a Cleansing

There are actually many races and star systems that are involved in these projects. We have come to do this because of our interest in the evolution of different species. Many on your planet Earth have asked within their minds and emotional bodies for the changes that are taking place to be brought forth. There is a great call to evolve within the psyche of humanity on this planet. Many wish to use more of their potential and experience more of what their physical, mental, and emotional structures can achieve while on Earth.

As we have discussed in previous communications, there is great help coming here to heal the DNA aspects of humanity. Many of the disruptive qualities that have plagued your species for countless years will begin to be healed.
