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Join the Dance into the Aquarian Age

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

Beloved students, I greet you once again as we come together in the month of June. May you harvest well the opportunities this month will grant, and may you increase in wisdom, compassion, generosity, and kindness.

Jeshua Speaks About Mary Magdalene

Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Beloved one, I have been told that ones are interested in hearing about any romance, love, in my life. Well, for me, it was not something that I had planned.

There Are No Questions Because There Are No Words

Dwhal Khul
Catherine Weser

You have discovered that words are both absolutely powerful and completely inconsequential to an exchange. Something is always going on beyond the words. The ordinary is ultimately the extraordinary by not in any way trying to be anything other than the ordinary.

Be the Love That You Desire

Cristi Jenkins

My dear colleagues of love and light, I am Gaia, and I wish for you to hear me this day with your hearts. Know that the happenings upon my body are not travesties at all, even though, by human standards, they might seem to lack integrity for the good of the entire planet.

Three Things for You to Remember

All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be
Elliott Eli Jackson

All of you have the potential to perform that which you have named magic. Additionally, magic is a good thing — if, of course, intention is high and it springs from the elevated spiritual portion of your fourfold being.

Tools to Become a Beacon of Light

Cathy Chapman

My dear ones, this is Amma, the Divine Mother of the divine mothers, and I am your mother. I want to bring together some things I have shared with you in the past. My intention is for you to know how to use them.

Every Human Can Now Manifest

Robert Shapiro

All right, this is Isis.


See the Invisible

Inspired Information, White Buffalo Calf Woman
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As spring finally pushed her way up through a rather harsh winter vortex, the warm breezes and the April showers unleashed what is hidden deep within life. Everything that was dormant for several months came to life — seeds, dreams, hopes.

Meet with Your Guides; Learn Everything You Can

Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde
Blue Turtle

Devoted children of the Creator, your destiny is infinite like the stars within the universe. You are capable of overcoming any obstacle or evil because of your divine identity. Unify with the healing sustenance of the Creator, and you will thrive in the world.

Experiencing the Cosmic Triplefold Heart

Wisdom Teacher
Sri Ram Kaa

Hello, beloved angels of great and glorious light. We say welcome to you: Bienvenido. Hello and welcome. In the glorious energy of the divine moment that is at hand now, your heart has expanded.


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