Be content, dear one, with the achievements you have made and the gifts you have given, for they are magnificent. We who watch have seen, with love, your struggles, efforts, choices, and learning as you tread your human path of separation.
Hello, my children. I am your Divine Mother. You all reside within my love. I flow forth in this manner to remind you of something essential to your upcoming journey through the transformative energies of your year 2014.
Before each of you incarnated, when you sat in the ethers, you sat in your energetic fields with the accumulation of all the lifetimes you had assimilated up until that point.
Greetings, dear ones, from the Brotherhood of Light. We offer you an affirmation, a mantra, a little ditty, to keep repeating until it becomes real for you.
As we look forward, it is helpful to remember that we are still in amazement that Earth went through the 2012 portal into a new reality. It was only a year ago that all of humanity forever changed the outcome and direction of planet Earth.
As above, so below. The universe is energy. All life is energy. Energy cannot be destroyed; it can only be transformed. In this sense, there is no such thing as death. There is transformation from one type of energetic existence into another.
Over the past seven years, we have channeled information to you that focuses on the subject of spiritual expansion. The information we have provided — both within the pages of the Sedona Journal and in other venues — composes our complete statement on this very important topic.