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The Lost Abilities of the Family Human Begin to Return

Jeff Michaels

As above, so below. In your world today, you are experiencing a powerful wave of change. This is not always a gentle wave. Much is being washed away. For some, this is a difficult time. They perceive that many things of value are being eroded away.

Move with Mother Earth

The Novenian Masters
Nanci Paluzzi

Greetings, dear ones! It is our pleasure to be with you on this, your new day. We wish to speak with you about the transition that you are going through at this time.

The Dharma of Light

A Cosmic Hierarchy (Lord Michael, Shekinah, Metatron, and Master Saint Germain)

What is the new age of light? It is the new cosmic cycle of unity and the light being in charge throughout the cosmos of the manifest and unmanifest worlds. There is physicality and nonphysicality. The physical manifest reality is the Flower and the Tree of Life.

Creating the Next Step on the Bridge from the Past to the Future

The Cat Beings
Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

All of your 2013 calendar year will be about letting go of old habits, frameworks, beliefs, expectations, patterns, and ways of doing and being in your life, in your heart, in your head, and in your world.

Awakening the Wisdom Keepers

Archangel Jophiel
Sharon Taphorn

Be patient with yourselves as you embark on this journey of remembrance. It is not always an easy task. You do not have to go it alone, and we are always available to share our light with you.

Secrets of the Whale Libraries, Parts Three and Five


Secret Three: Abundant and Authentic Living

The Christ Vibration — 144

Virginia Ellen

Your sacred seals hold within them the light of God, which is the vibration of God. The language of God is vibration; it is the sacred geometry of your being. Once you begin the activation process, this light-encoded truth will begin to be realized within you.

Resurrection of the Lemurian Grid

Lemurian Council
Pat Crosby

[Channel's Note: The continent of Lemuria once covered the area of what is now the Pacific Ocean. Traces of the continent continue in California and Central and South America, including Peru.

Supernova is an Expansion into Other Dimensions, Not an Explosion

Robert Shapiro



The Complexities of Sedona

Archangel Metatrong
James Tyberonn

Greetings, masters. I am Metatron, Lord of Light. We greet you in a vector of unconditional love. We welcome each of you individually as you read these words.


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