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Secrets of the Whale Libraries, Parts Three and Five


Secret Three: Abundant and Authentic Living

The Christ Vibration — 144

Virginia Ellen

Your sacred seals hold within them the light of God, which is the vibration of God. The language of God is vibration; it is the sacred geometry of your being. Once you begin the activation process, this light-encoded truth will begin to be realized within you.

Resurrection of the Lemurian Grid

Lemurian Council
Pat Crosby

[Channel's Note: The continent of Lemuria once covered the area of what is now the Pacific Ocean. Traces of the continent continue in California and Central and South America, including Peru.

Supernova is an Expansion into Other Dimensions, Not an Explosion

Robert Shapiro



The Complexities of Sedona

Archangel Metatrong
James Tyberonn

Greetings, masters. I am Metatron, Lord of Light. We greet you in a vector of unconditional love. We welcome each of you individually as you read these words.

A Lesson in Time: Dimensions of Multidimensionality

Elrah and the Time Keeper
Steve Rother

Oh, there you are! You did not think I was coming in, but I am Elrah and I am here. I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service. I cannot sit down. I have to stand up. Okay. I will even fix the jacket for the Keeper because he likes his jacket. Does he not look good in a jacket? Does it look good?

Religion, Spirituality, and Shaping Your Life Experiences

David Reid Lowell

Michel, can you explain what religion is?

The Seer Almine: The Aftermath of 2012: The Birth of a Higher Consciousness


What is different, now that the Mayan calendar has declared time to have ended in 2012?

Communication, Observation, and Attunement

Dwahl Khul
Catherine Weser

Observation is the access of perceptions. When you are observing, you are gathering the information that ultimately becomes your database, if you will, for your perceptions. It is like the inbreath.

Activation of the New Children for the New Earth

The Arcturians
Abby Isadora Haydon

The events that have transpired in the past few months have made it possible to start to activate the children on your planet. Many races such as our own have been waiting for the time when the children of your planet will begin to be of service.


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