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Lightbeings Observe Our Transition to the Fourth Dimension

Robert Shapiro



Now, in that photo — in the background, there's a path. And on that path, there's a particularly bright patch of sunlight. That's where I was.

[Laughs.] Okay. What were you doing?

The Superstorm and Global Warming

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings, beloveds! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I welcome you this moment and encircle you with celestial light.

On the Edge of Ascension

Juliano and the Arcturians and Archangel Michael
David K. Miller

Greetings. I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. We are entering this period that can be considered the last quarter of 2012. We are entering a period of acceleration, and we are coming closer to the 12–21–12 alignment with the Central Sun.

Common Questions from the General Public

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The energy of the room has been set. If you have lifted that shield of intellectualism you carry around and let in the possibility of more truth, where does that then leave you?

You Are Endless

Lois Noonan

Dear ones, by the time this reaches you, it will be a whole new era — a new millennium! I hope you are relaxing and adapting to the wondrous new vibrations you are experiencing. This message is challenged by so many unknown factors. Are you on planet Earth or elsewhere?

True Creativity in the New World That Is Your New Home

Linda Edge

I tip my hat to you and touch my wand to your forehead, offering a spark that engages the creative mind within you. It is your own creativity, your own desire to make new your self and your world that has opened a gateway into a new environment.

The Sunrise of a New Era

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

Beloved students, I greet you in the sunrise of a new era, the new planetary astrological cycle that began at the solstice on 12–21–12. Fortunately, the gloom-and-doom scenarios some predicted for this auspicious date did not arise.

Long-Distance Healing — a Journey of Love

Kahu Fred Sterling

Today, we are talking about long-distance healing, so I want to mention one of the foremost long-distance healers, Saint Valentine, who lived 1,800 years ago. This saintly person was a pure healer because he healed in love. The story goes something like this.

Making Soulful Choices

The Sage Council
Jonni Gray

We are showing a series of crossed roads, crossed paths, and crossed streets. Imagine that you are walking through a lush, green forested area. As you walk along the path, you see an option to go up to the right. You see an option up to the left. You see the option to go straight ahead.

The Recalibration of Gaia

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The family before me is known, and I will say it yet again: There is no mystery about who sits here and who may be listening or, eventually, who may be reading.


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