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Prepare for the Last Days of 2012: Navigating Chaos, Creating the Shift

Prepare for the Last Days of 2012: Navigating Chaos, Creating the Shift Council of 12 through Selacia

The times you have been preparing for your entire life are here. An accelerated quickening is under way, catalyzing vast changes in both your inner and outer worlds. With the December 21 solstice and the year's end just around the corner, you are being nudged by Spirit to stay present and focused on creating the new type of world you have longed to inhabit.

Yes, a megashift in consciousness is in motion, and you play a key role. This role began even before you were born, as you developed positive qualities in other lifetimes, helping you with the stability and courage you need now. Your skills are now needed not only to help you but to assist you in being a grounded, shining light for others.

Living during this cycle of history comes with a unique set of challenges no previous generation faced. This is true in general, and it's even more applicable during the amplified energetic cycles of 2012. Things like full moons, three–week Mercury retrogrades, and other discordant planetary aspects become amplified now. Even the most advanced spiritual practitioner will be impacted by this amplification, adding intensity to interactions and activities.
