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Global Evolution Begins with Your Own Personal Evolution

Global Evolution Begins with Your Own Personal Evolution Onereon through Jeff Michaels

As above, so below. Often we speak of a better world, one of harmony and peace. We say to you now that this is a truth that cannot be prevented. There is much that must occur before this eventuality. There are conflicts approaching. Do not be afraid of these words! They are a guide to you. Conflict does not always mean violence. Within the conflicts approaching, there will be a lessening of violence on the planet. Violence will not resolve these conflicting ideologies. Already you can see that there is more communication of individual beings around Earth than at any time in the history of the planet. Soon this will lead to a global evolution.

Guide Your Personal Evolution

It is not possible for one species to evolve alone. All life is in a constant state of adaptation. Even in the realm of spirit, there is evolution. In the physical sense, much time passes while these changes settle in and become solidified. In the spiritual sense, the adaptations can occur in what seems like an instantaneous manner to those in gravity.

There are methods that will speed up the spiritual evolution of physical beings. There is education required. You must retrain your brains to perceive life on Earth differently. So much of the new energy that is now flowing through the solar system is based on change and altering the way life is lived. There is so much more power available to all beings. The results of exercising this personal power will be an extension of all life, an expansion of perception, and the stripping away of illusions no longer necessary to the growth of Gaia's children.
