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Living Consciously in Enlightenment

A Cosmic Hierarchy (Lord Michael, Shekinah, Metatron, and Master Saint Germain)

Many of us have some degree of a dark streak from times past when perhaps we made a wrong decision in responding to a situation or experience, lost faith, and chose to turn away from God, or our divine Source. These unresolved experiences fester continuously until we heal them.

Use Your Imagination

Abby Isadora Haydon

Many on your world are beginning to realize that now is a very fertile window of opportunity. It is a time when you can use the new portals and energies that have come to your world to your advantage.

Welcome to the New World: The Next Steps

Elrah of Rhythmic Service and the Keeper of Time
Steve Rother

I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service. You know who I am because I talk this way; I am the only one who does. Welcome, everyone! I have been watching you the whole time. I just watch over the Keeper's [Editor's Note: the channel, Steve Rother] shoulder and every once in a while he re-members I am here.

Hold Steady, Beloveds

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, what we term as sacred breath consists of the normal third- and fourth-dimensional air containing oxygen as well as prana, which also contains the adamantine particles of Creator light.

You Can Manipulate Time

Papa Juan
Beatriz Jimpson

You are magnificent manifestors. You are time travelers and are not even aware of it. You are aware that you have been going through a time warp and have felt that time was speeding up for a long time, but now it is different. You are able to change time as you live it.

Old Soul Tool Kit for 2013

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. As many times as we do this, there are those who wonder, "Is the man still in his body?" [Channel's Note: Kryon is speaking of Lee here.] Of course he is, but his consciousness is split. Now, some would say, "I knew it!

Your Next Step in Living as a God-Being

Linda Edge

Many of us wonder about the next best step to living as a God-being in a world that invites us to forget our deepest truths in favor of worry, concern, and busyness regarding the more mundane matters of daily living. What guidance would you offer us?

What Have You Done So Far?

Elrah of Rhythmic Service and the Keeper of Time
Steve Rother

Greetings from Home. I am not supposed to be here because I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service and the Time Keeper is going to come in momentarily, but I had to come in to give you one of my smiles. [Smiles.] There you go! Now, do not forget it because you always get too serious.

Spiritual Light at Work Around the Globe

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings. I am Juliano, and we are the Arcturians. We will look at the concept of spiritual energy and how spiritual energy as an energy field can be used through biorelativity exercises for planetary healing.

Jubilation: You Are One with the Creator

All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be and Jesus
Elliott Eli Jackson

It is a privilege to bring any message from Source to this magazine for dissemination to the masses. This month is special to me on a personal level. All words of wisdom and light uplift the human spirit; however, this one is from the spirit that resided in Jesus.


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