My name is Thomas and I have come to speak on freedom here on the eve of such a glorious occasion as a day to celebrate freedom, independence from powers that oppress you, from a form of authority that deems itself to be lord and dictator over your actions, your thoughts ...
Today I will address your cellular consciousness, which is "on" 100 percent of the time. Where your body is concerned, your cellular consciousness is everything.
Greetings, masters. I am Metatron, lord of light, and I greet each of you warmly, knowingly, in a vector of unconditional love. Dear ones, the changes taking place on Earth are prompted by changes taking place in the cosmos.
Now when we look at what is unfolding, we see that you are being asked to fulfill a role that has been in place for you for quite some time, that of a world server. We also see that you are now fulfilling this role in a very natural, easy way.
Welcome, my beautiful beings of light. You are ever flowing and constantly evolving. My beloveds, what you were yesterday does not match what you are today, and tomorrow won't resemble what you sense you are now.
Dear children of light, the resounding monsoons have arrived in the Four Corners region of the Southwest to quench Mother Earth's great thirst and bring forth the harvest in abundance.
My blessed children, you may be feeling the collective consciousness of people around the world rising up to face and meet the challenges being exposed on Mother Earth.
Greeting to the masters. What a great scenario to unfold in your planetary paradigm! I am Adama, and I am here with Saint Germain, the master of transformation.
I am having difficulties, and my head’s kind of a mess. Could this be related to negative consequences of removing implants or changing encodements? It hasn’t been easy, I would say, but over the past month, it’s become easier. I’ve been having stuff come up, and then I recognize what it is.