Channel's Note: As we walk into 2013, a hope for a better Earth is imperative. This is especially true in the face of how conditions on our planet appear to be. But the keyword here is appear.
Blessings, dear ones. I am the Lord of Consciousness. I have many names and I take many forms. You may call me by whatever is most comfortable for you. Perhaps you would like to call me the Divine Masculine. That is a name I am happy to use, if it is meaningful to you.
Good evening. As I do every year, I caution you that everything I say could change tomorrow. As many of you know, I do not like prophecies nor do I prophesize, for prophecies are only as good as the energy in the moment.
Beloved children of light, the new year of light is upon you! You can now concentrate on fulfilling your heartfelt dreams as the great waves of Spirit resonate throughout the universe to propel you to achieve your destiny.
Channel's Note:When we invited the revelation of this information, the archangelic realm was clear that there were thirteen universal questions being asked by all of humanity.
The nature of change can be either a cataclysmic or a graceful metamorphosis from one level of existence to another. Cataclysmic change comes from the surface and forces us into re-evaluation and the eventual adjustment of core beliefs.
It is in welcome that I stand on this plane of reality. I come from the finer dimensions to bring messages through the beings who have held their light in truth and right action. The beings who speak through compassion, through love, through peace, and through harmony are with you.
We are Simion, the evolutionary collective. You are at a pivotal point in your evolution as human expressions now on Earth. Much has been developed to prepare you to make change in the coming years with the gateway of December 2012 having been your eye opener.
Right now you are experiencing a crescendo period of ascension energy for the "12" year — 2012 — of transformation. Activities and alterations are accelerating and creating a whiplash experience.