Oh, there you are! You did not think I was coming in, but I am Elrah and I am here. I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service. I cannot sit down. I have to stand up. Okay. I will even fix the jacket for the Keeper because he likes his jacket. Does he not look good in a jacket? Does it look good?
Observation is the access of perceptions. When you are observing, you are gathering the information that ultimately becomes your database, if you will, for your perceptions. It is like the inbreath.
The events that have transpired in the past few months have made it possible to start to activate the children on your planet. Many races such as our own have been waiting for the time when the children of your planet will begin to be of service.
We are one with all that has ever been created. We are one with all that has ever been thought. We are one with all that has ever been made manifest. We are inherent within all spectrums of the earth, the sky, the water, the air, and the stars beyond.
Wisdom of the Universe and the Masters of Creation
Judith K. Moore
The velocity and intensity of cosmic frequencies that Earth is experiencing are beyond comprehension, and it is beyond the capacity for Earth's energy grids to move this energy and keep it in a steady and constant flow.
Beloved ones, I will speak with you now about the evolution of consciousness on this plane. In the beginning ... you like to speak of beginnings and endings, but in truth, the beginning was not a beginning; the beginning was an is-ness that is outside of time.
Realization — you all are going to have many definitions for it. Many of you are going to believe that it's a certain kind of understanding. We would define a realization as a recognition of whatever you would understand to be the truth.
Beloved students, as the month of March opens, may blessings abound for each and every one of you! This is an excellent time to open your hearts to the gifts of the universe.