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The Om Crystal of Mount Shasta and 2012 Completion

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings beloved! I am Metatron, lord of light. And so again we speak of Shasta. Indeed its importance is paramount to the expansion of the crystalline field.

Getting to Know the Real You

Miriandra Rota

Well now, here we are once again to chat a little and to bring forth those topics that you have roaming around in your wondering, just beneath the surface of your beliefs. Yes, my dears, out with the old and in with the new, as you have the phrase.

Be Responsible for Yourself

Lois Noonan

Greetings! Metatron wishes to share with you. You are such blessed souls and we love you dearly. You know we never give up and we are asking the same of you.

Be the Love of the Divine Creator

Golden Dolphin Avatars of Sirius B
Nina Brown

Dear ones, we come to you with a message of profound importance to the planet. It is with love that we share this message of joy. We speak of the resurrection of play and laughter, which has been suppressed over eons of time.

Where Are You on the Path of Ascension?

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, it is time to acknowledge and claim ownership of your core essence, your true identity. You are not just a male or female human being residing on planet Earth. You are not just a soul within a physical body with many facets of your higher self scattered throughout this universe.

Sorting through Negative and Positive Emotions

Dwahl Khul
Catherine Weser

I would like to know about this: The emotional body, as you said, wishes to experience all, and there seem to be positive and negative things to experience. Maybe that isn't the correct terminology. For instance, hate as an emotion has a very negative connotation.

Staying Centered in 2012

Sheila Simon

Welcome, my friends. This is Vywamus speaking. Humanity is evolving at a rapid pace, so hold on for another shift in consciousness through June, July, and August.

Elven: Architectonic Guides of the Great Shift

Kahu Fred Sterling

Today we are speaking about the Elven world. This is the third time I have covered this topic in this forum, but it is worth repeating, given the Elven role in this great shift in consciousness. The Elven are expanded humans, so to speak.

Accessing your Personal Source of Creator light

Archangel Metatron

Beloved masters, it is a worthwhile endeavor and often a great adventure to visit the ancient sacred sites around the world; however, the most powerful source of the white fire essence of Creator light is within your own sacred heart chamber.

Exposing the Ego and Attaining Naked Awareness

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

Beloved students, I greet you again as planet Earth enters the sixth month of 2012. As many of you are noticing, this year is proving to be a most interesting year.


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