Beloved creators, this is Creator speaking. The time humanity has awaited for eons is here. This era is not a specific date or experience, but a gradual shifting of consciousness in oneself.
Hello, I am Chief Red Eagle. Here is a special message for lightworkers, healers, and all those friends and members of the global tribe who are on their paths. Every path is different on this mountain, but of course the light is connecting them all in one.
You came into this world and before you realized it, you were being taught the history of war and its purpose. You were taught that many wars are about taking possession of another country’s land, which requires killing many of its natural inhabitants who aren’t willing to let that happen.
Open yourselves to the light. The time of transformation is upon the planet and her peoples. What is coming up is nothing less exhilarating than what has already shown itself to be the new order and flow of time and energy. What will 2012 bring?
As above, so below. We now arrive at a year that many have looked forward to for a long time. The demarcation that many refer to as 2012 is a significant moment in time, and you are here to witness it and also participate in the shift of energy.
The magnitude of the forces working through the soul consciousness on Earth right now is incomprehensible to the human mind. The soul group of awakeners has opened doorways between the dimensions that were sealed through the long, dark night of humanity’s fall from grace.
Greetings, beloved ones. As always, it is a wondrous opportunity to connect with you. Those like myself, who are here in spirit but not in physicality, understand and know only too well many of the hardships and challenges confronting you at this point in time.
Greetings, my beautiful beings of light! Another mile marker is approaching that has drawn all sorts of prophecies and expectations, both real and imagined. Yes, there are all kinds of alignments that are coming to fruition. There is much buzz about this timeline and what it signifies.
From Thoth: How you pray changes the outcome of the future probabilities placed before you. The most likely outcome of a situation can be shifted into a less likely outcome, and a new probable outcome will take its place.
Greetings, masters. We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and the field of self-empowerment, for each of you are truly masters on your path of ascension.