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The Hologram of Life

Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Beloved one, I would speak with you now about some of the topics we have been discussing recently, about how you make your own reality—that is, reality with a lowercase "r"—and how you live within that reality and how you are not separate from your reality.

The Dynamic Force Behind Creativity

Cathy Chapman

My dear ones, how I enjoy giving you my instructions on how to live more easily and powerfully in your physical bodies during this amaz- ing lifetime of your soul. Mothers enjoy watching their children grow, expand, and come to know who it is they truly are.

How Small Is Your World?

The group
Steve Rother

Greetings from home. This day is remarkable. There are pieces that are starting to fall into place on your little world. We say "your little world" because it is one of the smaller planets on our horizon that we help to watch over.

Sacred Codes of Light Will Open in 2012

The Cosmic Council of Divine Light
Pat Crosby

We greet you as the Cosmic Council of Divine Light, a collective on a divine appointment to assist humanity during this wondrous and rapturous time known as the grand ascension— the great shift in consciousntess.

Awaken to Your Galactic Heritage

Pleiadian and Sirian Energies
Christine Bearse

Greetings to all who read these words and participate in the energies between the words. We, the Pleiadian and the Sirian energies, flow though this form [Christine] as herself. There is no separation. There is no channeling.

The Doorway to a New Start

The Council of 12

For thousands of years, society has been moving toward the juncture you now face. A grand forgetting took place in previous generations; people forgot their divine nature and moved into fear.

Integrity in Action for the Coming Year

Frankie Z Avery

As you all know, 2012 is the year of the ending of the Aztec and Mayan calendars, and calendars inscribed into the pyramids do not go beyond this year. Many people are frightened. Is it the end of your world? No! Is it the end of your world as you know it? Yes.

New Energies and Changing Expectations

Cathy Chapman

Good afternoon, dear ones. How wonderful to be with you! It’s very warm this afternoon in your place called Houston, right? It’s been quite a difficult summer, has it not? Have you noticed how the weather is changing everywhere? It’s not just changing in the United States.

Of the People, By the People, and For the People

Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Beloved ones, I have been asked to speak about the upcoming year that is quickly approaching, a year that has been called 2012, two thousand twelve. There have been many conflicting reports and prophecies about what this year is going to bring, and it is hard to know what is going to happen.

The Juxtaposition of Words

Amariah Mara

Lo and behold, you have made it to the year of juxtaposition. The wave of light has washed through the darkness and revealed truths previously unseen in 2011, and now you can follow that wave of light into a lighter awareness or stay with the duality of the present three-dimensional reality.


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