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The Recalibration of "Shoulds" - Find the Spiritual Logic That Makes Sense for Your Own life

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Have you started to feel it yet? There's a difference in your perception that makes it easier for you to come along with me to a quantum place.

The Standing Waves of the Crystal Vortex

James Tyberonn

Greetings, all! I am Metatron, lord of light, and I greet you this moment in unconditional love. Dear ones, what you term the ascension can be defined as the transition to crystalline dimensional expansion.

Familial Integrity: The Story of Lemuria

Lily and the Group
Beverley Bright Star

We are here today to introduce you to a concept that may be unfamiliar to a lot of you. It is a concept called “familial integrity.” We are introducing it into the group consciousness of humankind.

Personal Response-ability to the Earth’s Energetic Field

Dwahl Khul
Catherine Weser

We have entitled this particular transmission “Personal Response-ability to the Planetary Holon.” A lot of words, but what do they all really mean? First of all, we will describe for you the planetary holon as being the totality of all of the energy associated with this planet, Earth.

The Heightened Potential for Spontaneous Metamorphosis in 2012

Amariah Mara

This year of 2012 will see a lot of what will later be recognized as spontaneous metamorphoses. Everything that has been building up has the potential to be released into creation at any given moment. This can result in overnight personality and characteristic changes.

You Are Ready to Awaken to Full Consciousness

Lois Noonan

Life is an experience filled with tremendous shifts. As you awaken, you will remember them — one step forward after another, and it is never-ending. There is beyond and beyond and beyond. Trust that it is so, dear ones — it is so! You are ready to awaken to full consciousness.

Particle Streams: Learning to Look Up

The group
Steve Rother

Channel's Note: In this message, the group is showing us some of the adjustments we still have yet to make as we build a new world.

The Transformative Power of Signature Cell Healing

Kahu Fred Sterling

Fifty thousand years ago, signature cell healing, a four-body touch-healing technique, was brought forth on the continent of Lemuria. The signature cell, or God cell, is in perfection and resides in the pineal gland.

Make Believe

Archangel Michael
Carolyn Ann O'Riley

Greetings, greetings, greetings, my beautiful beings of light! The energies may feel as though they are spinning out of control for you now.

The Recalibration of Dark and Light

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I speak to those who have an elegance of wisdom. You may not think of this as you, for there are those here who are literally only feeling this for the first time, but there’s an elegance in this room.


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