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Time and Change

Jeff Michaels

As above, so below. How old are you? How old do you feel? How old is humanity? Do you feel like you belong here now? Do other times beckon you? Do you feel that the present day is somehow wrong or extremely imbalanced?

The Time of Things Never Before Seen

Sanat Kumara
Athene Raefiel

Dear precious beings of light and love, as you approach the ending to another year in 3D time, you find that many unexpected adventures and also powerful initiations have filled your entire year up till now. There is more to come.

Benefit from Living Right Now

The Council of 12

Living right now has unique benefits. You are more likely to receive the gifts of this life when you understand what the gifts are and how they can change your evolutionary path in a radical way. Here is some background on a few of the opportunities you have because you are alive now.

You're in the Pullback

The group
Steve Rother

Greetings from home. We tell you this day there is a change in your vibrational status, dear ones. We have said this before and have watched as humanity has risen to a new level and worked very hard to acclimate to that level, only to become comfortable for a moment and take another step.

The Pyramid of the Ascension and Awakening of the Twelfth Wave in 2012

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings, dear ones! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I wel- come each of you to this moment of sharing. Masters, there are certain lifetimes that are more embellished within your vast sojourns, and certain vectors in space-time that offer succinct quantum leaps.

The New Responsibility

The Nameless One
Nyima Tenzin

There has been a pain held deep within your beings. And like a butterfly that is held in a glass jar, there is a sense of feeling trapped or feeling contained, confined. And in that is a sense of lack, be it the lack of fresh air for the butterfly or the lack of food.

The Power of the Mind

Master Kuthumi
Lynette Leckie-Clark

I come this fine day to speak with you once more. Today I wish to answer the question below. In doing so, I trust that knowledge and understanding will increase.

Embrace the Breath of Love

Cristi Jenkins

Dear ones, many of you have struggled with lifetimes of selfabnegation, lifetimes of not seeing yourself as part of the greater light.

Everything You Want Is Already Yours

Master Kirael
Kahu Fred Sterling

I have come to talk to you about abundance. My definition of abundance is different from most. The indigenous tribes of your planet know what abundance is, but they have not been given the opportunity to tell the world. So I will do it.

The True Nature of Light

Various Beings
Ruth Evelyn

Metatron: We are here to discuss the true nature of light, which is a refined version of what is known to most in their lightbeingness, in the love of light, and in the crystalline energies of light.


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