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The DNA Factor: You Can Change It

Kahu Fred Sterling

Good evening. Tonight we are addressing DNA and how you can change it. For those of you who do not know, your DNA is six feet of energy that resides in all seventy trillion cells of your body. Your DNA holds a lot of power because it houses your blueprint.

Overcoming Your Fear of Post-Ascension Aloneness

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

Beloved students, I greet you this month in the radiance of your becoming and that of planet Earth. May each of you be filled with goodness and kindness as you deepen your commitment to both global and personal evolution.

The Beautiful Frequencies Now Coming to Earth

Miriandra Rota

Well now, here we are once again to have a little chat. How glorious! My dears, you have come a long way — don’t you have that phrase? Well you have. And now that you are walking on air, I’d like to tell you about what is coming along for you.

Balancing the Yin and Yang Energies of Earth

Jeff Michaels

As above, so below. Many of you see Earth in very different terms than the current leadership of your societies does. Many of you witnessing these words see humanity in very different ways than those same societies.

The Shadow Is One with the Light

Ray Dawn

Greetings to all of you. We are the Arcturians, and we are here to be with you in resonance with all creation. As all is in creation, all is in you! We come to be in resonance with you to discuss ourselves as beings of unencumberedness. This unencumberedness is you as well.

2012: Riding the White Dragon of Transformation

Quan Yin
Therese Dorer

Channel's Note: The vision before me is of Quan Yin riding through the black cosmos on the back of a huge white dragon. As this magnificent being glides through the blackness, the scales fall away from its tail and create stardust in a wake of blazing white light.

New Paradigm Relationships

Divine Wisdom
Annie Botticelli

Divine Wisdom wishes these offerings to assist in the shifting out of the limiting old paradigm of codependent relationships:

The Hidden Secret of the Ages

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, all sentient souls must follow their own particular destinies, specially designed paths that lead to illumination and reintegration with the divine self. The lessons you are learning and perfecting will be your contribution to the whole.

This Is Why You Were Gifted Life on Earth

Golden Dolphin Avatars of Sirius B
Nina Brown

Dear ones, today, on a day of no planetary note, we come to you, for it is in the ordinary that we wish to speak. Our message to you is in the moment-to-moment breath that you take and the moment-to-moment quantum field that you create. That is the importance of today, tomorrow, and yesterday.

Parallels of Omni-Earth and the Kingdom of Fae

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings, masters. I am Metatron, lord of light! I greet you in a vector of love — unconditional love. We gather this joyous moment to embrace you and to honor you. What an amazing year unfolds before you. Indeed it is a heralded time that you have waited eons to participate within.


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