Greetings, this is Archangel Metatron. Today we wish to discuss the science behind names. Everything in the universe is a vibration. It has an energy field. By changing the vibration, we can change the energy. Energy is what drives human beings.
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. So I return again with a message about perception. The shift that is going on now within this planet is about you. It's about com- municating.
A special quality of your leap to the next dimension of awareness will be your new perception of the illusory nature of time. As you become cognizant of the illusion of space, you will gain a wider viewpoint from which to understand the relative experience of time.
Allow us to introduce ourselves. We call ourselves the Galactic Frequency Council of Galactic Starfleet Command. You may be thinking of Star Trek about now, and that is our intention. We channeled a great deal of information to the creators of Star Trek.
As the creative flow for a new month opens, may each of you experience the grateful heart for which this month is symbolic in American culture. In the U.S., November is the month of gratitude, even if most folks only celebrate a flow of gratefulness on one of the month's thirty days.
We focus together on the infinite wisdom and the heart of divine creation, the heart and soul of our mother planet and the Benev- olent Ones. The light comes upon the Earth, brilliant, shining from the inner source of illumination.
Well, my dears, this is your friend Merlin coming forth to speak with you on a topic that you are most familiar with—financial success. And what does that mean? What do we really mean when we are referring to our financial success? Here's the answer.
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Welcome to 2011. This is the year of the planetary healer and planetary healing. From your perspective, you have witnessed most of 2011. And I am sure you will agree that 2011 has been a roller coaster ride for the planet.
Greetings. Now, down through the ages, there has been an ongoing interest in tiny humans, not tiny humanoids. That interest is still raging, though redirected at this time toward human beings of a smaller stature in terms of their height.
Beloved masters, as the light cells of God consciousness infil- trate deeper and deeper into the physical structure, the mem- branes of light surrounding the DNA begin to dissolve.