Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians! The third dimension is connected to the fifth dimension. Some of these connections are well known on the planet and are represented by sacred places and sacred energies. Some of you starseeds have even visited these places.
Within creativity, all answers are known. Processing your divine space is your art of your knowledge of creation. Your process was given to you as a divine engine of movement that expresses your awareness of your connection to self, the Holy Spirit, and Source.
Johosephat: As we view it, the spirit is a projection of your Source self that seeks to progress the development of your subtle bodies and minds while the soul oversees the lower mental, astral, etheric, and physical bodies and the consciousness that works with each.
I am Merlin. Welcome. There are those among you who are striving to overcome many difficulties, those you refer to as survivors — champions, those who have won against all odds. Those who have risen to the challenge, indeed, move far beyond the challenge.
Quantum masters and emissaries of light, have you removed the artificial intelligence (AI) chip from your universe and your cosmic egg? Have you allowed artificial intelligence to biofeed, biohack, or biohost off your energy field or veil your consciousness?
Although popularly considered works of fiction, stories such as the following might more accurately be described as works of soul mythology. They contain remembrances of other times and places — stories of recalled experiences in multidimensional realities.
Have you ever thought that the universe or All That Is is callous? When you are rejected from receiving something you desired or when you are feeling lost and alone, do you assume the world is somehow punishing you? This is a common reaction that fuels your sense of personal suffering.
Dear children of God, this is a powerful time for discernment and reflection on life on Mother Earth. There are discriminating and disruptive forces that want to tear at the very heart of humanity and its goodness. Continue to walk with God as you are guided to be children of the light.