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One Universal Heartbeat

Kathryn Rawlings

Isaiah: We would like to speak on a special subject of harmonization throughout the universe and one vibrating heartbeat.

Embrace the New Divine Masculine Template

Carol Long

A new Divine Masculine template has been on most people’s growth radar for a while now. The old ones obviously don’t fit very well anymore.

Embrace the New Generations of Spiritual Teachers

Abby Isadora Haydon

A magnificent time for receiving spiritual knowledge is on the horizon when the elements of your world will line up to unveil many forms of knowledge and transformation. These teachings will be in harmony with the four main elements of your world: earth, air, water, and fire.

The Arcturian Stargate Experience

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. First, I want to explain that the Arcturians are meant to be the overseers, guardians, and protectors of the stargate. There are three stargates in the Milky Way galaxy. This section of the galaxy has one stargate, and we oversee it.

Peel Away the Layers of Illusion


Why do we have accomplishments along this journey of enlightenment only to be told some time later that we need to accomplish this same thing again?

Be Here Now

Archangel Michael and Archangel Uriel and Archangel Metatron
Melanie Beckler

Greetings from Archangel Michael, Archangel Uriel, and Archangel Metatron. We connect with you now in a triangle of light, each of us broadcasting light frequency in the center to help you quickly and effortlessly lift in vibration.

The Act of Love Matters

Mahatma Gandhi
Blue Turtle

Sacred children, as you awaken to your God-given talents and insights, make sure that you work for the common good and for the souls who are not able to give voice to their needs and dreams.

The Choice Is Yours

Archangel Michael
Norma Gentile

I appreciate that my guides and angels honor my humanity and my experience as a human. They often blend their energies with mine and show me patterns and information. During these blended channelings, I speak from my human perspective, sharing what I understand to the best of my ability.

Let the Alchemy of Unconditional Love Shape Your Perceptions

Cristi Jenkins

Dear ones, the past few months on Earth have been difficult for many. All are affected in ways that you might not yet understand.

Do Not Limit Yourselves

Be Light!
Laura Pieratt

There is great mastery returning in this cycle. It is time to renew and regenerate physically and on all other levels as you establish new parameters for health and well-being.


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