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Practical Spiritual Practice

Nancy Robinson

I can appreciate books and healing systems that focus on the positive. It bothers me, though, when the message seems to be that if you just use “this” technique, “that” affirmation, or something else, then everything will change quickly and your wonderful new life will flow with ease.

Everything Has Karma

Madis Senner

The Eastern concept of karma says that we reap what we sow. In fact, we often reap what others have sown. This is because everything has karma.

I Am Life

Center of A
Debbie Anderson

I am at the beginning.
I am at the end.
I am the journey that is universal.
I am full of gratitude and blessings.
I am life.

Quiet and Powerful Stillness

Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde and Mahatma Gandhi
Blue Turtle

Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde: Beloved children of the Creator, you walk in a beautiful and loving way upon Mother Earth, respecting and loving her from the depths of your being.

Let Your Self-Awareness Shine

The Champions of the Light
Thelma Bodnar

Endings, beginnings, changes, and the same old, same old — where does your spirit lie? Where do your resources guide you? Do you envision change as moving forward, or do you visualize change as scary, fearful, and undesirable?

New Season of the Soul

The Rainbow Walker Tribe
Matthew Douglas

The world is inundated with falseness. It is an echo chamber of untruth and awash in stagnation. You once moved forward, but now you cease to know the way. You were once so certain, but now you doubt and question. You question not only the way forward but the way inward.

Reclaim Your Internal Domain

Cosmic Awareness
Michelle Frink

This Awareness [the Cosmic Awareness] indicates the year 2020, during the winter phase of January and February, will observe great hardships for many on Earth.

Transformations Are Happening

The Collective
Cheryl Gall

Your state of awakening can appear as chaotic and fragmenting in your current reality. You question your purpose and whether you can endure it any further. The ego desperately hangs on to control everything to keep you separated with the feeling of being in control of creating reality.

Clear the Way for the New Age

Ascended Master Sarah Daughter of the Magdalene
Rachel Goodwin

Welcome, I am Sarah. There is a light coming over Earth that can be seen as a dawn. Many of you can relate to the experience of having had a very long dark night of the soul. Now you will see the first glimpse of the light. At first, you will wonder whether you are imagining it.

The Longing for Love

The Guides
Deborah Harrington

Dear Guides, would you like to talk about predictions for 2020 and beyond?


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