Blessings! Every day, new souls enter the Earth plane, and every day, old souls depart and return back to the spiritual realms. All things created are constantly going through cycles dictated by divine will. It is important that you do not fear death.
My blessed children of light, it is a time of great awakening and growing attuned to the new, expansive rhythms of the universe. A unified healing presence is coming forth from all directions to guide you and lead you to new life and development.
Channel's Note: We live in a time of great prophecy. As a medium, I have many different experiences with the divine masters I channel. I am aware that they represent many dimensions of light and bring different energies to us through their messages.
We wish to applaud all of you. We see the progress. We see the movement. We see the expansion of love in each and every one of you. We see your heart centers glowing. We see you each moving through your blocks and challenges with greater love and understanding.
I do not wish to alarm you, those of you who are reading this or listening to it, but this is a time of tumultuous transition, and many of you are confused about whether to maintain your commitment to life or not.
Your spirit/soul is much more complicated than many of you remember at this point. There are those of you who are coming to more remembrance. And of course this is good, as you understand the term.
We are most grateful to have this opportunity to address those who will receive the healing love and the grace transmitted through the words we speak through this channel.