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Use the Power of Love

The Pleiadians
Abby Isadora Haydon

The fabric of your world is beginning to unravel. Your world is beginning to make some serious changes in the way politics, commerce, and spirituality are structured. It is important that you accept these changes and do not fight them.

Let Down the Walls to Your Heart and Feel at Home within Yourself

Saint Germain
Ray Dawn

Hello to all of you! It is I, Saint Germain, here to be with you all in a way of comfort and friendship. All is within each of your hearts; within each of you is the resonance of home.

Taking a Momentous Leap of Faith

Archangel Michael
Sharon Taphorn

Dearly beloveds, it is with great honor that I join with you on this day. You are such brilliant sparks of light; it is a pleasure to sit in your energy, just as much as it is a pleasure for you to sit within our love.

The Time of Testing Arrives

Lady Portia and St. Germain
Star Hinman

Greetings, my dears. It is our pleasure and our great joy to be with you now and with these others in attendance.

The Gathering of Souls

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, once again, I welcome the opportunity to blend with your higher consciousness, to fill your sacred heart and soul with the divine love of our Father/Mother God.

It’s Time to Get Practical

Miriandra Rota

Well, my dears, let’s talk of something practical. This is your friend, Merlin, and I think it’s time to get down to what you call “brass tacks.” And the first ingredient in getting practical is to take an objective look at where you are right now in your life journey.

Angels: Messengers of Light


Interview of the Seer Almine by Sandra and Denise, Canada

What can you tell us about the origins of angels?

Own Your Mastery Riding the Waves

The group
Steve Rother

Greetings from Home. The vibrations from Home are those of celebration. We are celebrating a landmark, a level of vibration that all of humanity has now reached.

Familial Integrity: The Story of Africa

Lily and the Group
Beverley Bright Star

We are here today to introduce you to a concept that may be unfamiliar to a lot of you. It is a concept called “familial integrity.” We are introducing it into the group consciousness of humankind.

Which Reality Would You Rather Have?

Sage Council
Jonni Gray

We have much to share for you and with you at this time. We come through asking you to feel grace, to feel the gentle pulsations of love in pink waves. Imagine the love coming from the Sage Council, weaving out to your heart in pink waves. We know and feel your sorrow at this time.


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