Greetings, beloved beings! Greetings to you! We are most pleased to be speaking with you in this manner once again. As you now enter into what could be called the real thing, the real journey, you are asking of yourself to—to what? This is the topic of our speaking together, beloved ones.
As above, so below. In the near future, important questions will arise for both those existing on the planet and those in a slightly higher realm. Your personal answers will assist in determining the course of the next generations.
It is important, at this stage of growth, for your species on this planet to recognize that you are much greater in scope than you seem and that there are no right or wrong answers. There is only the matter of more or less awareness and the observance of consequences.
Greetings, fellow liberated souls! We have much to share this evening in the way of important matters that relate to your soul and its freedom from the imprisonment of dualistic living. Do you not find it easy to live in the way of the world?
My dear, beloved colleagues, I speak to those of you who have given of your essence in propelling the energies of a changing Earth forward. Lately you have been feeling lots of aches and pains, particularly with your physical bodies.
The "end times" for Mother Earth are nothing to fear. She has been there before—it is part of a 2,000-year cycle of renewal. On this very planet, Lemuria, which had its own end times, existed in three phases: first life, common time, and transition.
Well now, this is your friend Merlin. I'd like to speak with you briefly about fear—fear of the future, fear that the past might catch up with you, and fear of an old pattern repeating itself.
Greetings, masters! We greet you in joy and encircle each of you in a field of unconditional love. The year 2012 is not an end; rather, it is the true beginning. Accordingly, 2012 brings the expansion of dimensional access on the new Earth.