Beloved masters, all sentient souls must follow their own particular destinies, specially designed paths that lead to illumination and reintegration with the divine self. The lessons you are learning and perfecting will be your contribution to the whole.
Dear ones, today, on a day of no planetary note, we come to you, for it is in the ordinary that we wish to speak. Our message to you is in the moment-to-moment breath that you take and the moment-to-moment quantum field that you create. That is the importance of today, tomorrow, and yesterday.
Greetings, masters. I am Metatron, lord of light! I greet you in a vector of love — unconditional love. We gather this joyous moment to embrace you and to honor you. What an amazing year unfolds before you. Indeed it is a heralded time that you have waited eons to participate within.
When a child is born, that child is born with a unique pattern — a unique rhythm of energy, unsullied and unspoiled. And that child will make its journey through its Earth incarnation, through its experience in the third dimension.
Beloved ones, as we have been speaking in previous times of the hologram that you call your reality, we spoke of the hologram from one of your moving dramas, the hologram where ones were having the sword fight.
We are the Arcturians and we wish to use this opportunity to relay a message. You are the people of the lost sun. You are the beings who will be inhabiting Earth after all of the changes have taken place. It is to you that we wish to speak.
We are the consciousness of sleeping humanity. And though you might find it strange that a representative would speak through an expanded consciousness being or even know what that might entail, we are much more than you believe us to be. Some of us are quite awake.
Greetings to the masters. It is always an honor to address my words to you, and there is always urgency when these words need to find their way into your hearts. We are there with you always; we know which level of readiness you are connected to.
My name is Thomas and I have come to speak on freedom here on the eve of such a glorious occasion as a day to celebrate freedom, independence from powers that oppress you, from a form of authority that deems itself to be lord and dictator over your actions, your thoughts ...