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It’s Time to Get Practical

Miriandra Rota

Well, my dears, let’s talk of something practical. This is your friend, Merlin, and I think it’s time to get down to what you call “brass tacks.” And the first ingredient in getting practical is to take an objective look at where you are right now in your life journey.

Angels: Messengers of Light


Interview of the Seer Almine by Sandra and Denise, Canada

What can you tell us about the origins of angels?

Own Your Mastery Riding the Waves

The group
Steve Rother

Greetings from Home. The vibrations from Home are those of celebration. We are celebrating a landmark, a level of vibration that all of humanity has now reached.

Familial Integrity: The Story of Africa

Lily and the Group
Beverley Bright Star

We are here today to introduce you to a concept that may be unfamiliar to a lot of you. It is a concept called “familial integrity.” We are introducing it into the group consciousness of humankind.

Which Reality Would You Rather Have?

Sage Council
Jonni Gray

We have much to share for you and with you at this time. We come through asking you to feel grace, to feel the gentle pulsations of love in pink waves. Imagine the love coming from the Sage Council, weaving out to your heart in pink waves. We know and feel your sorrow at this time.

The True Ascension: 12-12-12

Metatron and Ra-Tybronn
James Tyberonn

Greetings, masters! I am Metatron, lord of light, and I embrace you in a vector of unconditional love, a love that you will soon be able to experience more vividly, for the ascension is nigh.

Embrace the Ongoing Process of Learning

David Reid Lowell

There are so many questions about 2012 and 2013. Next year will be the time of opportunity and growth for those insightful enough to grasp it. Will there be a coming war? Yes, indeed, for it is humankind's nature to war against that which is different and therefore threatens it.

The Seer Almine


Belvaspata: the Angelic Healing Modality of Light and Frequency

An Interview with the Seer Almine

Walk Lightly into the Day of Your Ascension

Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Beloved one, we will now speak of something you have heard about for some years. You have been reading the prophecies for this year of 2012 and you have been wondering, "What is going to be happening in the twelfth month of this year?

The Core of the Expression of the New Earth Is Play and the Now Moment

Golden Dolphin Avatars of Sirius B
Nina Brown

Dear ambassadors of the Golden Dolphin energies, we welcome you into the new phase of the moon's cycle, a time of beginnings, of the potential for change. On this occasion, we come to you to speak of the now moment of time.


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