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Master Jesus and the Christ Consciousness

Master Kirael
Kahu Fred Sterling

We are talking about the Christ consciousness today. Some of you think of the Christ consciousness as Master Jesus, but Jesus was a man who later embodied the Christ consciousness.

Connecting with Greater Love and Greater Cognition

Lois Noonan

Greetings! Metatron here, delighted to be with you again. Time is flying past and souls are engaged in keeping up with the higher vibrations. It is not necessarily a challenge but an invitation to be with us by December 21, 2012. It had to be accomplished within a single lifetime.

The Stories of Human Experience Become the Journey of the Soul

Dwahl Khul
Catherine Weser

When we look at the nature of an individual human, we would say that it doesn't matter whether that human is male or female, young or old, of this ethnicity or that, this religion or that.

The Seer Almine: First- and Second-Ring Magic: Power Seekers versus Perception Seekers


In speaking about magic, it is necessary to lift the veil from what it is and how it is used. Magic is the manipulation of reality through the use of intent. There are two ways to practice magic: first– and second–ring magic.

The Birth of the Golden Child and the Awakening of Consciousness

Gilly Wilmot

Greetings. We wish to speak about the awakening of consciousness. When you awaken from sleep, it can be a slow process moving gently, slowly, and peacefully from sleep to wakefulness. Or it can be an abrupt awakening from a deep sleep, the place of the dreams, to suddenly being in the world.

Helping the Planet by Loving the Self

Cathy Chapman

Good morning, my precious ones. What a delightful day it is! Wherever you are, it is a day filled with delight and wonder. Every day is filled with delight and wonder.

The Easier Path to Transformation and How to Help Others

Mercedes Kirkel

Greetings, beloved. It is I, Hilarion. I realize that this is the first time that I have come through you [Editor's note: Mercedes, the channel], and you are not as familiar with me as with others.

Time Travel, Teleportation, and Happy Endings

James Tyberonn

Greetings, masters! I am Metatron, lord of light, and I greet each of you in a vector of unconditional love. Take a moment to feel the energy, close your eyes, and sense a cocoon of warm nurturing envelop you. An entourage gathers.

The Quantumness of You

Serapis Bay
Rae Chandran

Greetings, my dear pathfinders. This is Serapis Bay, the chohan of the fourth ray. I bring you greetings from my heart. It is such a joy and pleasure to be able to communicate with you in this manner, when the veils are parted a little and we can touch and feel you a bit more than before.

The Year to Create the New World Encoded in Your DNA Since Time Began

Council of 12

Once in a while, there is a marker time point that people experience as the line between one thing and another. As 2013 begins, you will be sitting at that juncture. How will it look and feel, and what will it mean?


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