Welcome, my friends. This is Vywamus speaking. Humanity is evolving at a rapid pace, so hold on for another shift in consciousness through June, July, and August.
Today we are speaking about the Elven world. This is the third time I have covered this topic in this forum, but it is worth repeating, given the Elven role in this great shift in consciousness. The Elven are expanded humans, so to speak.
Beloved masters, it is a worthwhile endeavor and often a great adventure to visit the ancient sacred sites around the world; however, the most powerful source of the white fire essence of Creator light is within your own sacred heart chamber.
Beloved students, I greet you again as planet Earth enters the sixth month of 2012. As many of you are noticing, this year is proving to be a most interesting year.
Beloved ones, I speak with you now about moving into light consciousness, the expanded consciousness where you take yourself lightly. I would ask of you, for the most part, do you live your life lightly or heavily? Most likely, you will find that some of the time you live your life lightly.
Let your heart be the indicator for what resonates with you. Trust it will never be shocking. Always and in all ways you will recognize a thread of love that is binding you with truth and love to the source of All That Is! With this kind of trust available to all souls, how can we fail?
Greetings, dear ones, and welcome to the most exciting, most fabulous times in your recorded history. We are so delighted to be with you now. Over the past twelve years, we have written many times on the subjects of self-clearing, self-help, and self-health.
We are Simion, the evolutionary collective. Now that you are well on your way through the year 2012, what will the last fated month, December, mean? What will happen in this month that has played such a significant role in predictions of Earth and humankind's future?
It is always a pleasure to greet your gathering, to see your faces and energy after you have done the anchoring light, for it is a transformative measure whether you are aware of it or not.