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Take Charge of Your World Together

Mother of Light
Blue Turtle

My blessed children, you may be feeling the collective consciousness of people around the world rising up to face and meet the challenges being exposed on Mother Earth.

The Pineal Gland Is Your Connection to the Crystalline Matrix of the Universe

Adama and Saint Germain

Greeting to the masters. What a great scenario to unfold in your planetary paradigm! I am Adama, and I am here with Saint Germain, the master of transformation.

Connecting with Your God-Self

Jeshua ben Jospeh (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Beloved one, you are the maker of everything in your universe. You are the maker of all of your reality.

Journey of Expansion

Metatron and Amma
Cathy Chapman

I am having difficulties, and my head’s kind of a mess. Could this be related to negative consequences of removing implants or changing encodements? It hasn’t been easy, I would say, but over the past month, it’s become easier. I’ve been having stuff come up, and then I recognize what it is.

Shared Holograms

Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Beloved one, the changes that come in this year are ones that you have set in motion some time ago, in this lifetime and in previous lifetimes, because you have wanted to know the holy self of you.

Healing Dysfunctional Life Patterns through Interactive Spiritual Involvement

Three Johns
Nansea Lee

Your spiritual path requires an effort on your part, as we have said before, and it is a personal interactive journey for all of you. Keep probing more deeply into who you are, beyond the persona that you have created for yourself in this lifetime.

Dancing with the Divine Imperative to Become and Evolve

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

Beloved students, I greet you as Earth moves toward the final quarter of 2012, inching ever closer to the 12–21–12 date that will close the Mayan calendar’s long-count cycle [see The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology by José Argüelles, Bear & Company, Rochester, VT, 1987].

Accept That You Are the Source of Your Own Life

Lois Noonan

Greetings! All is well and everything is on track within the hands of creation. And as always, we bless all souls for the highest good of all within the experiences they have chosen. Know this well! Create to your heart’s content, dear ones, and trust it to be within the higher picture.

The Unwrapping of the Earth’s Kundalini

Lee Carroll

28 January 2012, the Kundalini Cruise around Cape Horn, South America

You Can Make It Through Anything!

All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be
Elliott Eli Jackson

Our message to you has to do with the fact that many of you have been led to believe that there are occurrences in your lives that you may not be able to handle or cope with. This, of course, is a falsehood.


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