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The Process of Evolution in the Four Bodies

Dwahl Khul
Catherine Weser

Good day, dear ones. This is Dwahl Khul.

Holograms, Realities, and ETs

Yeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Beloved ones, my message to you now is a strong one. Hear my message well. We will speak of the holograms and of the realities — lower-case “r” — of the illusion that you are living, and we will speak, suggest, and highly suggest that you live in joy.

The Ever-Changing Hologram

Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Beloved one, we will continue speaking of the holograms. I have used the concept of a hologram as another way of explaining your reality — lowercase r. Your reality is, as it has been noted in other writings, an illusion. It is not real in the sense that it is fixed. It changes.

One Life, Origination, and the Path of Return

Dwhal Khul
Catherine Weser

We begin by simply suggesting the path of return as a topic for all of you to start to understand your motivation for incarnation. As we see it, there is but one whole, complete source of energy that we would simply call “one life.” This is where all energy emanates from.

The End of the Rope

The group
Steve Rother

Please note that this message has been edited and in spots rechanneled from the group for better clarity in this format.

Allow the Transformation to Begin

Red Eagle
Therese Dorer

Channel’s Note: The vision I see is a wide open space. In the forefront is a tall Native Chief dressed in buckskin; on his head is a full headdress of eagle feathers. He stands by his horse, and the horse is drinking water from a clear, clean pond.

Using Affirmations to Lift Up Your Spiritual Condition

All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be
Elliott Eli Jackson

Hello. It is a pleasure to come to you in this manner today. It is time for many of you to take the next step in raising your personal vibrational level. Well now, you may ask yourself, "Just how do I do that?" First, we wish and desire for you to begin to believe in yourself.

Incoming Energies and Their Effects on the Body

Amma the Divine Mother
Cathy Chapman

Many of you have healing to do in the area of food. Food is a comfort or socialization for many of you. Some of you associate food with negativity. You can handle these things through encodements, soul healing, or any other kind of healing you would like to do.

Walking between the Worlds: the Way of the Nagual


An interview of the Seer Almine by Rogier Chardet, Netherlands

The Spirit of Planetary Becoming Is Calling

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

Beloved students, we come together again as we officially begin the second half of this year. For some of you, the first half was a bit of a roller-coaster ride. You may have noticed that life, at times, has an interesting way of revealing points that need clarification or deeper understanding.


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