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First ET Contact Will Be a Maximum of Ten Years from Now

ET Visitor and Zoosh
Robert Shapiro

Greetings. I have to put this into something that sounds like your language. I am from Th’ermadk, which you might spell T-H, accent, E-R-M-A-D-K.

Well, that’s a mouthful. Where’s that?

Maintaining a High Vibration: Managing Worry and Fear

Randy Monk

Greetings, beloveds. When basic needs are barely met or you are faced with other life challenges, you are in a perfect space to raise your vibration. Your first inclination may be to get caught up in fear. We invite you to look at your predicament in a new light, from a different perspective.

The Recalibration of Knowledge

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There is no three-dimensional time here where I am, and it’s difficult for me to give you or my partner messages that are synchronistic to the reality you live in.

The Soul’s Imbalanced Patterns

Three Johns
Nansea Lee

Dear ones, you are here to learn about yourselves. When you incarnate, you have opportunities throughout your life to balance what has been out of balance from your prior lives and this life. It takes conscious effort on your part to work with your imbalanced mental and emotional patterns.

Uplifting the Human Spirit in 2012 and Beyond

All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be
Elliott Eli Jackson

Hello, how are you today? It is a pure pleasure to come to you in this manner. Elliott is one of the individuals on planet Earth who we are using at this time in humanity’s history to bring universal truth and guidance to all of you.

Reality in the Ineffable Space

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

Beloved students, I would like to be one of the first to wish you a happy May Day. Those of you who are younger may not even know what this little holiday is all about. Those of you who are old enough, however, will probably remember delivering “May baskets” to your friends.

You Are Making a Path to love Wherever You Go

Red Eagle
Riz Mirza

Hello, I am Red Eagle. I am a chief and you are a tribe. That will be true forever.

Birthing Your Essene Heart

The Essene Brethren
Sri Ram Kaa

With a great and glorious hello, we welcome you to a bountiful recognition. We are here to share with you an understanding that a new time is at hand. Yet what is new has always been, and what has always been is ready to be understood, discovered, and revealed again.

Love Has No Limits

Swami Sachidananda
Carol Sydney

Hello, my beloved brethren and divine sisterhood. Welcome, welcome. Come in and sit. Today we are discussing the force of love in an undying universe whose power is endless and whose intense desire to give of itself is its primary goal.

The Seer Almine Interviewed on the Goddess Archetypes


Interview conducted by Sergey Ivanushkin

How can these goddess archetypes be used in our environment to empower our lives, other than of course living the principles they represent?


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