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Look Back in Love

Mother Ulura
Karinna Nielsen

We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.

— Dalai Lama XIV

The New Paradigm Calls for a New Human

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. We are nearing five years beyond the 2012 alignment. The energy released and directed toward planet Earth has caused awakenings and shifts in consciousness.

Work toward Benevolence for Yourself, and Be an Example for Everyone

The Founders
Robert Shapiro

All right. I will say a name later, all right?

Sure, welcome.

The Eye of Compassion

Arthur Fanning

I know who’s going to show up. It’s Archangel Uriel. He’s pretty intense. It’s almost as if I have to describe the stages I go through in this process. In one step, I’m thinking, and in another step, I know I had better be quiet.

Unexpected Change

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Every time these messages begin, there are a few moments of adjustment, a pause. The adjustment is for my partner, not for you. It is because the messages truly are given almost in another dimension. It’s difficult for a Human Being to really switch gears and stop listening to a Human in a chair and instead listen to a multidimensional message from the other side. However, this is where the message originates.

The message for today is a little different from others. I start again with congratulations for the Human race, for you pulled it off. This is a colloquialism that means you really did something amazing. Almost at the last moment, the timing of the stars brought you to the end of a profound cycle, and you went through it without another unending war. You went through it without horror and strife or the projected termination of the planet, yet you really don’t know what you’ve done. Today you are in a brand-new energy. Since 2012, many things have been reacting and changing — not just you — and that’s what I want to talk about.
The Crystalline Grid

Let’s start with one of the basics: the crystalline grid of this planet. I have discussed with you that this grid is a remembering grid. I have told you that it is active (always shifting), and it is activated by the emotions and the compassions of Human Beings. I told you that it is a fast-track grid; that is to say that if it changes, Humans who are on it will feel that change. Up until now, it has had overwhelmingly negative input from humanity because that is what Human nature responds to. These are the primordial emotions: fear, suffering, and horror. If you don’t believe me, watch your news. It seems to be what Human Beings are most attracted to and interested in. Horror and drama are the emotions that often drive your marketing, films, and books. That is the Human nature we speak of, and that is starting to change. So a grid that remembers humanity’s emotions gives you the feelings of horror on a battleground or the sadness at a gravesite. It remembers what is input into it.

Alternative Healing Practices Help Balance Your Body

Cathy Chapman

Well, good evening, dear ones. What a wonderful gathering with all of you. I am so glad to be able to share this time with you. I am Amma, the Divine Mother of the divine mothers, and oh, my dear ones, I am your mother.

I Have Chosen You

Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Beloved one, I want to speak with you about what you see as a long time ago, but it is not. I want to go back 2,000 years when you walked with me, because truly you have walked with me. Know you the multitudes? Well, you were part of the multitudes. You were one of my Disciples.

One Thought Created a Universe

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings, I am Juliano, and we are the Arcturians. Let’s explore a concept related to biorelativity, a technique we’ve named noorelativity. Biorelativity is the ability to communicate telepathically with Earth’s spirit to create changes in the feedback loop system. This helps to keep the various forces in alignment for humankind’s and the planet’s benefit.

Noorelativity is a technique based on the concept of the noosphere — the collective thought-field energy around this planet contained in Earth’s energy field. It is the ability to interact and turn the noosphere to a positive direction. Noorelativity is similar to biorelativity. The difference is that in noorelativity, you use your arcan powers of thought energy to create and enhance the evolution of both planet Earth and humanity.

To understand the noosphere, you have to understand the concept of thought fields and the idea of vibrational energy. People have referred to the illusion of the third dimension as maya, which is Hindu for “veil.” When you look at a table in the third dimension, it appears solid. People look solid. Even Earth looks solid. This illusion is known as the veil. In reality, everything vibrates.

Remember to Receive

Pretty Flower
Miriandra Rota

With all the weather challenges, the flooding and more, I remembered this message from Pretty Flower, one that touched our hearts and gave us a way to help.

Nurture Your Physical Vessel

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, let us review some of the basic teachings so vitally important during these critical times of transformation.


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