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Seek the Energy of Love

Jeff Michaels

As above, so below. Before we begin, let us all pause and breathe a quiet breath. This is when the body notices the element of stillness — as you consciously draw in, pause, and then release the atmosphere of Earth into your own vital, physical space.

Confront Your Death to Awaken to Life

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

Beloved students, I greet you once again at the beginning of another month. As the seasons continue to progress through their annual cycle, may your awareness of that planetary flow offer a point for deepening insight.

The Blue Beings of Inner Earth and the Crystalline Shift

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings, masters. I am Metatron, Angel of Light, with Tyberonn of crystalline service. We greet you in a vector of unconditional love.

Find Your Soul’s Star System Portal

The Founders
Jaap van Etten

We are the Founders. We are the consciousness of the first wave of souls who came to Earth. In a previous message, we shared how it all began. We are souls who mainly came from three galaxies: the Milky Way, Andromeda, and Triangulum.

Trust the Wisdom of Your Higher Self

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, the majority of humanity has forgotten that within the universal laws there is a God-given right that allows each human being to reclaim the ability to commune with the ascended masters and the great beings of the higher realms.

Becomes the Rose

The Fully Integrated Avatar Grace Elohim
Alison David Bird

Faith is not for the weak. It is for the strong. Surrendering to a higher force is easy when you are left with nowhere else to turn.

You Are the Change Maker

Great Divine Director and Goddess of Liberty
Maureen St. Germain

This is the Great Divine Director who has joined you from afar. I hold the matrix for this planet. I hold each of you in my heart. I wish to speak with you about the idea that there is no more karma and tell you that it is more far-reaching than you realize.

Live Authentically through Spiritual Mastery


It is of the utmost importance that we rise above the despair of humanity through grateful awareness of the beauty and poetry of everyday living. We are the way-showers of the world. It is our sacred duty to walk a journey of beauty, grace, and inspiration.

— Almine

Use Light Tools to Nourish Your Body

Archangel Anthriel
Ingrid Auer

Greetings, I am Archangel Anthriel. You humans have concerned yourselves with the phenomenon of light for quite some time now, namely in connection with your human existence. In the course of this, many of you have already realized that matter is nothing but condensed energy, or condensed light.

Heal Yourself to Reach Spiritual Union

Mary Magdalene
Mercedes Kirkel

Hello, my dear ones. This is Mary. My heart is glad to be with you today. Thank you for responding to the call of your heart, your guidance, or your spirit direction. Whether you knew what the purpose was or not, you responded. You came. I honor that. I honor you and acknowledge you.


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