Well, here we are again, connecting through the ethers and the dimensions. It is good to do this, yes? We both benefit — you from receiving the information we share with you and we from the sharing of it.
Beloved students and dear friends, I greet you this month with love and much support since these are clearly initiatory times on planet Earth. Events and circumstances are affecting everyone on personal and even global levels.
Divine blessings extend through my being to your essence and truth. I am Lady Portia, the sacred feminine aspect of Saint Germain. My purpose is to oversee the awakening of the new age of ascension through the seventh ray of light expression of the Creator.
Beloved masters, the Creator’s breath is the fuel of existence, and you are the flame it feeds. It is important to understand that you are developing your individual sunlight, which is a reflection of your God essence.
The light shines brightly on each of you. You are God’s beloved children. Many have come to your planet and have chosen to deny that they are connected to anyone, let alone connected to God.
Greetings. I am Sanat Kumara. Would you have thought thirty to fifty years ago that you would be able to communicate over long distances as normally as you do now?
You can easily see that chaos, greed, discrimination, racism, bigotry, and many societal wars at home and abroad are still very much a part of your world. However, some things have changed.
Some of you have been wondering where the greatening light (mentioned by many angels and guides) is. When will you personally begin to feel it? The energies of this eclipse [July 28, 2018] have allowed an opening within you.
The first chakra is the foundation of your life. Within the first six to eight years, you create your first chakra, which is made up of what you think about yourself. Addictions, fears, anger, loneliness, separation, lack of love, lack of money — all limitations begin in your first chakra.
There is a beloved master within each being, and it is a momentous occasion when you come forward to celebrate the recognition of unified consciousness. This energy is arriving through the stream of a heart ignited with ascended awakening, ascended opening, and divine presence.