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The Key to a Joyful Mind

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

Greetings, beloved students, and welcome to another new month. What a remarkable year 2017 is turning out to be! I trust you are all learning a great deal as you observe the evolutionary process unfolding on a planet quivering with unrealized possibilities.

Heal with Crystalline Sound

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings, masters. I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, and I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of crystalline service. Among the creative artistic works available to souls in the cosmos, the living omniverse, and omni-Earth, none offers more benevolence than musical expression.

You Are Leading the Universe

Steve Rother

Greetings, dear ones. I am Merlia. I join you this day to share more about my other aspects, for I am the feminine version of the Merlin energy. Although the energy has been on your planet before, I have not been here for several reasons.

You Are More Than You Know!

Lady Portia and Count St. Germain
Star Hinman

In these times with so much activity and interaction of a highly emotional and often angry, violent, or judgmental nature on Earth, the beings of light offer loving suggestions to all people on the planet to work toward calming the turbulent waters of emotion and establishing a groundwork for

Use Intuition to Develop Understanding

The One Life
Catherine Weser

To understand the nature of mind, the nature of self, and the nature of reality, use your intuition more than your thinking. Everyone has a natural inclination to seek understanding, and at the same time, everyone already has understanding within himself or herself.

Rise like the Phoenix

The Fully Integrated Avatar Grace Elohim
Alison David Bird

The more advanced among you might be severely tested. Remember that you asked to be tested and that there is a reason.

The Lightbody Dissolves Abuse

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

It seems that abuse is an acceptable behavior in parenting all across the world. How does it end?

The Wisdom of the Physical Body

Lady Portia
Star Hinman

Greetings, my dears. There is no separation between the energies you consider to be yours and the “greater” energies in the universe, which is the crux of the teachings of ascension. These concepts are very much in your consciousness now.

Employ the Power of Moon Ceremonies

White Buffalo Calf Woman
Therese Dorer

I see a vision of tall prairie grass swaying in the wind. I feel the breeze on my face cleansing and clearing my muddled mind. I walk and breathe in the blue sky, the grass, and the sweet nectar of Mother Earth. I notice a huge white buffalo standing on the landscape.

Today Is a New Day

Mother Mary
Janet Desaulniers

Good day, my beloveds. I greet you in love and light with delight. It is always a great joy to communicate with you in this way. Today is precious. Each moment I spend with you — and you with me — is precious. In that oneness, we can create an uplifting energy to soothe and support you.


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