I have been standing on the rooftops for the past thirty years, shouting, “People, these frequencies are not good for you!” And that was before cell phones, Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G, 5G, GPS, smart meters, and other smart appliances were invented.
We wish to speak with you about the ascended-master disciples and scientists who return age after age, bringing back the sheaves of their service in the world of form.
When I started meditating, I honed in on what is called in Sanskrit the nadam sound. Dr. Mishra, in both his yoga books, clearly and distinctly explained nadam. As far back as 2,500 years ago, Patanjali wrote widely of what the nadam sound meant.
I’m sure you’ve noticed that life on the planet has been a bit rocky, to say the least. Although we’re attempting to return to normal, much has happened to create major uncertainty for us all.
The zone where your astral/emotional field meets your mental field is where sparks can fly, where an idea triggers excitement, or where thought stimulates an emotional response. Higher still is the zone where concrete reason is met by abstract mind.
There is much talk lately about embracing and nurturing the Divine Feminine in order to balance the power scales. I agree with this, and I add that there can be no balance without awareness of the whole picture. This includes the Divine Masculine in thought, heart, intention, and dialogue.
The past few months have been challenging for everyone around the world. Our society, after centuries of stability and growth, has seen an instant paradigm shift that no one expected. We all know that society, as we have known it, is going to change dramatically.
We are all going through incredible and challenging times. No one could have imagined that life as we know it would come to a veritable halt due to the sudden appearance of a pandemic virus. We need to examine the Pluto-Saturn period we’ve been in for the past year and a half.