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Tools for Conscious Living

Fulfill Your True Mission

Serina Aramaki

In Buddhism, the term “Buddha-nature” describes the concept that human beings are created by God and that we have the same nature as God, or Buddha, within us. It tells us we are all equal and that every one of us has an ability to create and design our future.

Love Is an Expansion

Rachel Holmes

Love flows out like liquid honey
From our essence searching for
Someone to connect with, connection with
Someone to spiral upward with, ever upward with, into the infinity of nothingness.
That’s what love is.

GAIN without Pain: The Happiness Handbook for Health Care Professionals

Greg Hammer, MD

Two potent inducers of stress are (1) uncertainty about the future and (2) a world that does not comport with our wants and needs. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has brought both conditions to the forefront along with rampant, worldwide stress.

Light-Energy Healing Used Around the World

The Council of the Ascended Masters
Dr. Raja Merk Dove

Cosmic energy is abundant in the cosmos. To gather and direct this energy, the Epoch 980nm Laser(TM) and the Epoch InfraHelios(TM) Light Systems are, in my opinion, the best and simplest tools for receiving positive healing energy.
— Zadok RA Osiris, ND, DD

Remember the “Resolve” in Resolution

Cyndi Dale

Several years ago, my son Gabriel was brainstorming ways to make money. Apparently, he didn’t think he would receive enough for Christmas, at least not an amount adequate to purchase that amazing electric guitar.

Carving a Path of Peace in Tumultuous Times

Phyllis Light

The winds of change blow hard on us all, but whether we are blown over and wiped out or stand strong depends on how connected we are to our deepest inner selves. As the willow is flexible and bends with the wind, we must remain flexible and flow with the changes life brings.

Reconnect with the Elemental Realms

Fabienne Fooij-Tilghman

What is a prediction, other than a possible timeline that becomes more probable as more attention and focus are placed on it? Wouldn’t it be amazing if humanity placed more focus on coming closer in harmony with the elementals and devic angels?

2021: The Year Humanity Will Heal Themselves with Light at Home

Dr. Raja Merk Dove

When asked why people should heal with Epoch Lasers (EL) light, Zadok Ra Osiris, ND, DD, responded: “Cosmic energy is abundant in the cosmos.

What My Tie to the Holy Mother Tells Me About 2021

Donna Ferri

Whenever I face something new and challenging, I turn to the Holy Mother. I hold my clear-quartz rosary to my heart, and rising Mother light blesses me and those for whom I pray. I press the smooth, round coldness to count mantras, and she opens my mind to receive what I must know.

Create Your Dreams with the Help of the Universe

Joan Spencer

Being clear, aligned, and focused on your vision increases the possibility of achieving it. Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.


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