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Tools for Conscious Living

Retreat into Your Heart

The Teachers of the Light
Darren Marc

Blessings, dear ones. There is a sun shining in your heart. For some, it’s just a sparkle. But for others, it is so vast that it covers the entire universe and then some. This is the light we wish to help you cultivate. Many of you feel overburdened by the circumstances in your lives.

Help Set the Foundation for the New Jerusalem

Elizabeth Joyce

The New Jerusalem is the heavenly city that the Bible prophesied will exist on the New Earth at the end of time. It is described in detail in Revelation 21:9–27.

People Make a Difference

Here are some short stories that make us think twice about the daily happenings in our lives as we deal with others.

New Ascension Chakras and the 980nm Light

The Ascended Masters
Astaria Seraphina

As a mystic, who is one who uses the third eye (which can see up into the fifth dimension, as it is the dawning of the fifth dimension) rather than the physical eyes of earthlings, what I share with you here is more theoretical seership/research and inner knowing than direct book knowledge or 3D

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness — Pass It On

Phyllis Light

Each of us needs to deal with all the dissonance and divisiveness taking place in the world, as it is inescapable. Yet there is a deeper understanding and lesson to be learned here from all this.

Love Lives in the Heart

Heather Robb

Tom is the best gardener we have ever had. His love for our plants and how he tends them reminded me of a loving father looking after his children. But I discovered there was so much more to him. Talking to him was like peeling off the layers of an onion, as each layer revealed something new.

Eight Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Jiulio Consiglio

Spiritual awakening is an ongoing process, one of continuous unfolding. With that being said, there is a moment — an instant — in which people experience a quantum leap in consciousness. A profound experience, such as the activation of the third eye, cannot be mistaken for anything else.

Create a Mission Statement for Earth

Margaret Moga

One day I received a book in the mail that I had not ordered. This book, The Handbook for the New Paradigm (HNP), contained futuristic predictions and advice for impending societal and Earth changes. The author, George F.

The Nature of Prayer

Heather Robb

There is no doubt that my prayers have always been answered. They were not answered necessarily in the way I expected, but they were answered in ways that were appropriate for my needs at the time. Perhaps my higher self knew this even if my consciousness did not.

Full Moon Rituals Empower Your Life

Mara Branscombe

Since the beginning of time, women have gathered under the Moon’s light to share stories and songs, attune to the rhythms of Mother Nature, and bring forth the power of the Divine Feminine. Something wildly sacred happens when women intentionally gather during the full or new moon cycles.


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